The Devil is a coward

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Peter's POV
"Hello Spiderman." Ross says with grin that gives me shivers "Let's talk."
I don't know how to respond so I don't I just look at him and think. ' how could you be so confident yet such a coward?' I don't say it out loud though and wait for him to continue.

"Let's talk about your powers huh?" He questions with a smile but I just glare at him. "How'd you get them? Lab accident? Genetically? Experimentation?  Did you do it?" He ask with fake nonchalance but I can see the real curiosity in his eyes. "I'm not telling you anything." I say as if it's the most obvious thing in the world and lean against the wall of my cell looking completely relaxed.

I know since they know nothing about me that I'm safe until the find another way but I'm not going down without a fight. "And what if I gave you an offer you can't refuse to out of here? As long as you cooperate with our scientists I could get you back to your little house in queens?" He asks and he he looks so cocky I can't help but bait him.

"Really?" I ask with false hope and I can see Clint snort out of the corner of my eye but I still continue. "That would be amazing but..." I say as I get closer to him "I'll never be your lab rat you disgusting pig!" I yell as I slam my hands on the bars of my cell right next to his face. I see the same emotion flicker in his eyes but this time I catch it and identify it.

"Huh" I whisper breathless having figured out what the strange emotion is. "You're scared of us." I accuse quietly and I know I'm right by the flicker of panic in his eyes. "You're scared of us." I say louder now that I'm sure "So you lock us away and hunt us down." I can see he's about to leave so I quickly try to keep him here. 

'He deserves to know what kind of cowardly monster he is' I think as I blurt out "I mean, I don't blame you." I say with false sympathy and it catches his attention "I could kill you with a snap of my fingers. I get what you're doing" I say in an understanding tone and he looks kind of relieved. 'I can't wait to see that look crumble off his face.'  "I guess it's totally justified to lock us up like animals because you're scared of a teenager who helps old ladies cross the street and a 90 something year old man who blushes at the word fuck." I say with an unimpressed face and such hatred in my voice it's like I slapped him in the face.

 "You're a coward. You can't even admit you're scared. You hide behind the title of Secretary and the excuse of international security when you're just projecting your insecurities and fears onto anyone they involve." I scoff in disgust while everyone stares at me "You're men would have killed innocent students and teachers just to get to a 15 year-old who helps cats out of trees!!" I yell disgusted with the thought of it. "I can't wait until I get out of here to tear you down, while you watch as everything you've accomplished is destroyed by a teenager." I yell unleashing all the emotions and thoughts I held back while getting here. He walks away a little faster than needed and I smile with vindictive pride.

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