Chapter 16

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Barry's P.O.V

I opened my eyes again to hear singing. I was in a different place. Looking up at the stage I saw Kara singing on stage. She spotted me and sent me a look that said 'What are you doing here?'. In return I shrugged mouthing 'I don't know'.

After she finished her song, she took a quick bow before heading off stage. I rushed to meet her there where she immediately wrapped me in a hug.

"Kara where are we?" I asked.

"I don't know. All I know is everyone that we know is completely different." Kara replied.

"Don't worry we'll figure it out. By the way I didn't know you could sing." I assured.

"Oh that umm-" Kara replied trailing off.

This is going to be difficult. I thought.


Ella's P.O.V

Barry and Kara now lay on two beds, side by side one another. I sat next to Barry holding his hand worriedly as a tear fell from my eye. Staring at his sleeping figure I didn't notice the man who brought Kara come in.

"Don't worry, we'll get them back." He greeted assuredly, startling me.

As I relaxed again I looked over to him.

"You scared me." I replied.

"Sorry. I'm Mon-El by the way." He introduced.

"Ella. Do you really think that we'll be able to wake them up?" I asked.

"Yes, I do. I'm guessing you're worried about Barry?" He replied.

"Yeah, is it that obvious?" I asked.

"Only as obvious that you have feelings for him. Are you two in a relationship or something?' Mon-El asked.

"Of the sort, we haven't mad e it official yet, but yeah you could say that. What about you and Kara?" I asked.

"Undecided." He replied.

"Let me guess you two had a fight about something, didn't you?" I guessed.

"Yes, yes we did. Its mostly my fault. I kept something from her that I shouldn't have. I really regret it now." He explained.

"Don't worry, she'll forgive you in her won time." I assured.

"Thank you Ella. I can see why he likes you." He exclaimed gesturing to Barry's sleeping figure beside me.

"I can see why Kara likes you. Thanks for helping me calm down Mon-El." I thanked.

"It's no problem." He replied.

I heard someone walk into the medical bay and turned to see Cisco and Caitlin in the doorway.

"Ella could we talk to you for a second?" Caitlin asked.

"Yeah sure. What is it?" I asked.

"We think we may have found a way to get your voice back." Caitlin explained.

"Really? How? I thought it was impossible to get my voice back." I replied.

"Umm, Ella, you are the impossible!" Cisco exclaimed.

"Ha-ha very funny. Now how do we get my voice back?" I asked.

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