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Name: ■■■■■■■(Won't Ever Say My Real Name for safety Purposes)
Nickname: Angel
Age: 16
Birthday(so peeps can celebrate on my bday because People forget My Bday): October 23rd
Status: Taken By CirqueDieFreak Josh/Joshyy My One And Only Mr.Perfect,I Don't Need Anybody Else so Fuck Off If you Like me
Likes: Books,Anime,Cosplay,Furries (I Think They're Cute),Furry/Fluffy Things,Teddies,Cookies,Joshyy *Wink Wonk*,Plushies,Emo Stuff,Going places,Singing,Children (As Pedo As That Sounds XD I Love Babies and they Love Me (Cause I'm An Aunt) ,Little Kids Look Up To Me for some reason Although I Think I'm A Bad Influence),Alone Times,Peaceful Times,and taking Beatiful Scenery Pictures and Polaroids,animals (I Love Kittens ^-^ "Meow Meow" but I've always Wanted A Black Kitty with Gold Eyes),Writing Drawing,Playing Instruments  (Guitar,Flute,Recorder,Piano,Drums,I also might pick up the violin Soon Maybe ;)),Games,Heroes,Crystals,and pretty Stuff,and Baggy Shirts (Imma Bf's Shirt Stealer Meaning I'll Steal My Bf's Shirts if they're Baggy cause I Wuv Baggy Shirts ^-^),I Also Love Being Cutesy and feeling Pretty

Dislikes:Haters,Feeling Blind Without My Glasses,And Rude Invading People,Plushie Thiefs,and Thiefs in general,depression/Being Depressed

Anyways that's All for now,goodnight folks ^-^ *Wavy Waves*

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