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Lately it has been Very Hard for me.....All My Teachers are concerned cause they all know that I want to die and have tried to Administer me to My Counselor and I have said no because My Social Worker already Knows and so does my counselor,Bug what's been Stressing me out the most is my Step Parent Aka My Step Dad cause he yells at me right when I get in the door from school and he's threatened to take my dog Away even though he doesnt understand that,she is my Only Source Of Aid or help cause she's always there when I'm crying and she can even sense when things arent Right With Me and he doesnt understand that,she bonded with me the first day we got her almost 4 years ago,and for someone to threaten to take away my kind of help  hurts and he asked me "if I were to take Sasha Away From you would you be mad at me?" And I said "yes I would be mad at you" cause I would technically be mad at everyone.....even if they didnt have a say in him taking her away,I Love My Doggy Too much and I need her for when I'm not Feeling Right cause I cant Deal With My Problems on my own otherwise I take it out on myself,cause if I'm Pissed off at someone my family thinks I'll take it out on them but I take it out on myself....I always do....and I'm so Stressed Right Now that I've Been Self Harming.....I Was Even trying to stab myself in the hand with a fork because I wanted to Escape My skin and because I feel so Worthless to my family and of course theres little Spotted Mark's on my right hand where I was Stabbing myself Repeatedly with a Fork until my brother took the fork away from me
And this is just the surface of everything.....I cant really explain Everything anyways

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