school Again

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Today in school was pretty okay....The Only Real Problem I Had was that this kid was Checking me out and was right next to me to the whole time at the table so I was texting my friend who was sitting right infront of me telling them how afraid I was because I dont like being stared at like this kid was staring at me and the guy was like "danm.....Look at that Booty...." and I looked at my friend and was like "help!" Under my breathe and I texted my friend and was like "I need help.....Camilio just said he liked me and that other thing he said...... LIKE HELP I NEED AN ADULT!!!!"
camilio is that guys name btw, he tried to ask me for my social Media and ways to contact me and my way of avoiding that question is saying "Why?" And them giving me their answer and me just not doing it,but it's like Guys choose to hit on me when I'm with a good guy.....and it's like I dont need that when I'm in a Relationship,I dont even need that when I'm not in a Relationship like I dont that ever!!! The heavens just like to fucking test me dont they? Their like "are You Loyal? Let's see...." like I'm not a cheater,I'm no whore,I'm not even a slut I'm just a girl who's looking to find love in the right guy or girl (pretty sure it's a guy cause i think i found him aka xXLove-And-HateXx My Squishy,Squish,Squishichu,Dino,Handsome,and Prince Charming)
But I have Difficulty telling People to stop but my way of saying stop is rolling my eyes and saying so? Or I dont fucking care,or looking scary cause that's what I do best lol I used to get told I look like a Pale Mixed Female Version Of Jeff The Killer,I Mean I get it lol my hair is long,brown,goes over my face,I'm averagely tall for a girl about 5'8 5'9 I wear alot of black and white combinations I wear Black Converse and I'm very silent,and I'm obsessed with hands on weapons such as Knives,tinted Blades,and anything sharp,with a very high pain tolerance the only thing is,is pain that's not inflicted by myself can change my mental estate to Pyscho and blood shed ready but I tend to keep that part of me under control as much as I can cause I dont want to hurt people

But i wont use weaponry to hurt people unless i have to ^-^ i dont want to go to jail for murdering someone as i said i love people unless you've hurt me in the past or are hurting me currently

But yeah lol byeeeee.

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