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My friend isnt killing himself today cause his girlfriend decided to stay with him,I Just cant bare To Lose Another Friend.....Boyfriend....Or Anybody....Like Its My Fault and feeling like I could have done something.....and that's why I made That Vow To Myself because if another person who I hold so closely to me dies or Commits suicide then I'm going too,its like the saying "an eye for an eye and life for a life" it means If someone takes one....you take the other,and if anyone dies anyone near me....then I will kill myself.....but my friend didn't so I'm here for now.....but it's like if Squishy Where to leave Me Here.....I'd End It....And I-Id Join Him On The Other Side....I'm Not Saying Squishy Should Kill Himself....Cause I Want to Spend An Eternity and or a life time and many more lifetimes With him,but I Made A Vow and a Choice so I'll be likely to leave this earth before Squishy but even then I'll still love him....and itll hurt me to leave him like that....and if I ever attempt to Kill Myself and I dont succeed again I'll just think of Squishy as The Reason Why I'm Still Alive....just like if Squishy sees these when he comes back.....he's going to be upset at me for wanting to kill myself because my friend wanted to kill himself.....but he might be thankful that that didnt happen....

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