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Today was going pretty okay but my friends around me weren't having a good day.....My Friend Tanner's Girlfriend Broke Up With Him and supposedly he wants to kill himself because She broke up with him,and my Other friends Boyfriend's dad is Being Abit Abusive Towards Him...Just when I have a rough time is when everyone else starts having a rough time,I'm Still sick and my body still hurts but I know I have to fake feeling alot better around People in school,My 4th hour teacher was concerned About Me Because I Talked about How my mom found out I wanted to kill myself through Text messages with my ex 2 years ago resulting in me Going to Therapy that summer,I Told Her that i was Doing better On That Matter But sometimes i still do want to kill myself....but I just dont want to talk about it,Cause I dont feel good talking about it...and if I kill myself I don't want people to find out about it until after I'm done suffering,of course I am doing about better but not 100% better cause I can never be 100% better but im working on being better,and now I have to be there for my friends Especially Right now for the most part.....I Have So Many Things on my shoulders but I'll be fine

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