My Real Name

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So. Alot of People Know that Angel Is Not My real Name but that I prefer that over my real Name and I'm not really used to hearing my real Name anymore often times I get called By Nicknames Such as the ones my mom calls me Like Nana Or Nanie (like the Japanese Word) Even tho I also hate that Nickname but i just let my mom call me that,And Also Dri (Pronounced Dree) By My Oldest brother,And Kitten By So Many Because of My Adorable Personality And because I Am the One to Hold The Cat Bell Choker and Cat Ears,and I even get called Turtle And or Cas (Because of My Awkwardness and because I hold the Castiel Bag XD) By TheFallenShepherd / LittleTippyTeaWood at School

But My Real name Is

Adriana.....And I'm Not Proud of My name,I've never Felt Comfortable With That Name And I'd prefer All Of my Nicknames Over My Actual now that You all Know.....I Would Still Like to Be Called Angel because I am more at Piece With that Name And I Feel More Comfortable With it


~❤Angel's Wings❤~ Bio #2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin