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I woke up in the hospital not entirely sure of how I got here— or why for that matter.

The nurse beside me, clad in a white uniform, stood mindlessly flipping through sheets on a clipboard. Likely upon noticing my state of sheer confusion, she informs me with a kind smile, that I had been in a minor car accident. No serious injuries, thankfully.

I started to rack my brain for any recollection of the events leading up to today.

Thoughts of Lucy and Charlie's kiss at the diner, all came flooding back quickly and unwelcome.

Just then, a soft knock at the door pulls me from those dark memories I'd much rather forget.

I sit up, wincing slightly at the pain in my left side.

Charlie emerged, slowly walking over to my bed.

His face held a mixture of guilt and sorrow. His hair was disheveled, I'm guessing from running his hands through it, as he tends to do when he's stressed. In his slightly trembling hands, a bouquet of bright yellow roses were clasped tightly. 

He whispers my name so low I barely hear it, muttering and 'I'm sorry,' and taking a seat next to me.

Suddenly I feel a great surge of anger towards him. Not only did he kiss my best friend, well ex-friend, but he is largely responsible for why I'm here in the first place.

Before I can process the words, or my harsh tone, I'm telling him to leave me be.

His face falls instantly, even more so than before, but he stays rooted in place.

I try again, this time my voice sounding more desperate than anything. Desperate for him to leave, or desperate for him to stay and hold me, I'm not quite sure.

He hangs his head, standing up, and exiting the room.


I haven't spoken to Charlie since that day in the hospital. He's tried to visit, but I've always felt like there was nothing to say.

I haven't seen Lucy for that matter either. She seems to be MIA since the diner.

Though, that was the least of my concerns.

"Hey." Neil says, stepping into my room, followed by Meeks, with a plate of food in his hands.

I've been back at Welton for about a week. I've been allowed to stay on bed rest for the past few days, and don't have to return to class until later next week.
Which has been rather helpful in my quest to avoid Charlie.

"Your dinner, as usual." Neil says, placing the plate in front of me, as we laugh at the bland meal choices the school has to offer.

"So, how're you feeling?" Meeks asks, sitting at the edge of my bed.

"Much better." I answer truthfully, to which they both smile.

The atmosphere becomes tense, and I know the question they want to ask me.

"So.." Neil begins, seemingly the one with the courage to say it.

"Have you spoken to Charlie?" He finishes, toying with the edge of my blanket.

I shake my head.

"You know," Meeks begins, moving closer to me on the bed.

"You should really hear him out." He pauses for a moment, before deciding to continue.

"He's a mess. Barely sleeps, skips class, and I could swear I've heard him crying at night." Meeks was Charlie's roommate, and arguably knew him better than anyone.

I begin to feel guilty. Lucy was sneaky and manipulative, maybe I should have listened to him at the hospital.

"Just think about it." Neil urges, giving me a small smile.

I nod, promising them that I will, before they say their goodbyes.

Suddenly loosing my appetite, I place the tray on the nightstand beside my bed.

I slowly force myself from the comfort and warmth of my blankets, still a little sore. Slipping my feet into my slippers, and throwing a housecoat over my pyjama shorts and tank top, I slip out of my room and find myself standing in front of Charlie's door...

A/n: yayy so much fluff in the next chapter!!! 😅
(I promise)

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