Chapter 15: Loosen Up

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"Why y'all cheatin'" August said sucking his teeth and throwing his cards on the table

"How we cheatin'" I said confused and laughing along with everyone else

"Y'all is some cheaters dough" Maleek said putting on his 2 cents and giving his cards to Adrian so she could shuffle them

"Y'all just mad because we keep winning" Adrian spoke as she started to reshuffle the cards

We were all sitting at August dinning room table playing uno before taking Kamen back. I could tell she was having a good time and didn't want to leave and I didn't want her to leave either. I thought about not taking her back at all, but I can't take the chance.

Even though she was still kinda shy around everybody, I think she was enjoying being around all my new friends, especially August.

"Wanna come get some mo' snacks Kay" He asked her before we started a new game and she nodded.

He picked her up from off my lap and they both disappeared into the kitchen. I admired how good he was with her and kids in general.

"Hurry up Nigga tryna start the game!" Maleek yelled

"Aye! Don't rush me" August and Kamen walked back in with a bowl of popcorn.

"She on ma' team now right Kay" August said sitting down and slid Kamen on his lap as she nodded her head and smiled.

"You just gonna leave me like dat Kamen"

"Sorry sista'"

"Don't apologize to hea' Kamen, you know y'on wanna be 'round da cheata'" August laughed and I rolled my eyes at him

"Shut up August" Adrian chimed in sticking up for me "Kamen play better then you anyway"

"Why y'all gotta come at me like dat"

"Yeah why y'all got ta come at my mans like dat" leek said and him and August did they little hand shake.

"Just deal the cards Adrian"

We started a whole new game and I watched how August was interacting with Kamen and it really put a smile on my face. He was so good with kids which made me even more attracted to him.


I checked the time on my phone and saw that is was almost 3:30 and I needed to have Kamen back by 4. I could feel myself getting emotional just thinking about what I have been told earlier today.

"Excuse me" I said getting up and I could feel everyone looking at me as I walked into the kitchen and it didn't take long for Adrian to follow behind.

All of my emotions hit me at one time and I just started to break down while leaning in the counter.

"What's wrong honey" Adrian said rubbing my back trying to comfort me

I stayed leaning over on the counter with my head down. "I can't take her back"


"I can't take her back there" I finally stood straight up and look at her.

"Why? Amber what happened?"

I shook my head

"You can tell me anything... I wanna help"

"He...." I took a deep breath and tried to tell her what's been going on but I couldn't get the word out. Just thinking about it mad the tears start to flow again

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