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Friday rolled around and the lump of homework was still swallowing my desk. Great. Instead of trying to do it, my procrastination overcomes me, as my body flopped onto the bed. My thoughts swamped with regret of all this procrastination I did through the week, that led me to this moment. Now I can't go out and do whatever teenagers are meant to do on their weekends. Escape from the reality of stress and trying to get good grades.

"You bored or just staring at a wall for fun." An annoying voice echoes through my room. My eyes repulsively roll out of just his voice. His voice smooth like a knife through butter. Ugh why did I love and hate his voice.

"No tyler, go hang out with my brother." I roll my eyes. "But he's not here and I'm bored." He rolls his eyes back with a smirk plastered on his face. Why is he so flirtatious, for no reason. Always up to something in that head of his.

Tyler was that typical hot brothers best friend. Always around to keep you hot and flustered. He's off limits, obviously. I never understood why my brother hung out with him. He's my age, 17 while my brother was 19. It felt like it was an invitation to just like him. I knew he was a fuck boy too. Another reason our chances of an epic love would never be in the cards. More of a reason to keep my distance.

"Go away,I'm not bored." I get up grabbing some books for my calculus homework. "I can do your homework for you if we can hang out." He smirks. "Fine but you need to do the homework first." I laugh. He's in Ap calculus this year so he should finish this in a breeze, plus he loves maths which I don't understand.

"How's the homework going ty?" I laugh while I was putting my folded clothes away. "Can't believe I have to do this shit," he laughs. "I finessed you." I burst out laughing. "Okay I'm done so let's Hang." He smiles. "Nah I'm good." I smirk. "No you're coming with me child." He says picking me up. "Put me down Tyler!" I yell. He doesn't respond and tries to place me on the bed but he falls on top of me. Our eyes lock on each other for a few moments. I wanted to kiss him but he's off limits. "What do we have here?" A familiar voice spoke. "Oh hey Cameron." I say calmly while Tyler is still on me. "So Tyler there's a party tonight and Ashley will be there." He smirks. "I can drive you, just not feeling it tonight." He replies. He gets off my and lifts me off the bed. "Oh and Lexi next time lock the door." He jokes.

"Don't even joke about that Cameron, that's gross." I say poking my tongue out. Tyler just roll his eyes at my response and there's an awkward silence until my phone beeps.

Jade: aye girlie, party at Justin's tonight, you're invited and he wants you 😏💦

Me: okay but Justin isn't getting me.

Tyler reads my texts over my shoulder and sighs. "Cameron, your sister is smashing tonight. His name is Justin." Cameron glares at me, he's very protective when it comes to me. "You're staying home with ty." He demands. "Yeah don't want Lexi coming home with any kids do we?" He smirks. I glare at him and start to head for the door. I hate Tyler when he does that, trying to protect me and shit. He's not my dad or my brother. He's my brothers best friend and that's all he will be. "But that's so unfair, you aren't my dad." I say referring to what Cameron said moments ago. Cameron sighs "well Mum would let you because she doesn't care,someone has to care around this house." I roll my eyes and leave the room. Cameron annoys me so much, he thinks he can control my life. I grab my phone and text Justin.

Me: sorry I can't come to your party, my over protective brother won't let me.

Justin: don't worry babe, why don't I meet you somewhere?

Me: where were you thinking?

Justin: oh idk maybe at a library and then I can take you to my party 😏

Me: good idea, I will just say I'm with jade and we are having a study session.

Justin: jade will bring you some party clothes x

Me: okay see you soon.

Justin: see you then x

I quickly get changed and go into Cameron's room. "I'm going to study with jade at the library." I say and begin to head to the door. "Well we can drop you, Tyler is driving me to the party anyways." I groan and grab my 'book bag', as I head to the car. They both jump into the car as I'm in the back texting Justin.

Me: Tyler is dropping me off, I will try and convince him if he can drop me to yours.

Justin: who's Tyler aye?

Me: my brothers best friend.

Justin: oh let me know if you can get there or if you want me to meet you at the library x

I sigh and look into the revision mirror at Tyler who's smirking at me. He's up to something. Cameron has the aux and he's blasting very sexual songs, which is  making feel so uncomfortable as my brother is screaming the lyrics. "MAKE THAT PUSSY POP AND" Cameron yells. I roll my eyes and Tyler mouths in the mirror "Are you alright?". I laugh and mouth back "yeah." I slump in my seat and listen to my brother screaming the lyrics to often. We finally reach this party and it's in the middle of nowhere. "Tyler can you come in with me, I need to find Vanessa." Cameron smirks. Tyler nods and replies " yeah but Lex you better come with us, you're pretty vulnerable right now." He smirks. I roll my eyes and get out of the car. The three of us walk in and it's crazy. Tyler holds my hand which makes me glare at him. "So you don't get lost." He smirks. "Oh I didn't know you were going to be here babe...who's that!" A girl yells at Tyler. "It's Cameron's sister, chill." He says calmly. "Okay babe let's ditch her and we can use a guest bedroom." She says staring at me. "I better go don't want you to loose your chance with a bitch because of me." I sass and start walk out.
"Get back here bitch." She states.
"Sorry what." I say turning around.
"Come on fight me." She says walking towards me.

"Oh but I don't want to mess up you face, by the looks of it, it's already messed up." I fake laugh. She tries to swing at me, I grab her arm and twist it around her back. Thank god for Cameron who forced me to go to self defence classes. She screams in pain and I push her to the ground. She grabs my leg but I just put my foot on her. I step over her and walk to the car. I look back to see everyone clapping and cheering.

My brothers best friend Where stories live. Discover now