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My arms folded over my chest.

"I don't wanna an explanation." I huff

"Stop being stubborn."

"Make me."

He gripped my waist tightly, pulling your body closer to his. Our lips centimetres away. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to kiss him bad.

"Shut up." He said as he broke away

I groaned and followed him out. We sat on a bench.

"I want to say I'm sorry, I had no excuse to put you through all this shit. I don't take anything of our relationship back, you are perfect. I just fucked up on my behalf. I'm so sorry, for everything." He said softly

"I forgive you, you only have one more chance to be my friend, if you haven't shown me you have changed you're getting dropped." I spoke in seriousness


"Where's Justin?" He questioned

"Last time I heard he was a bad boy." I chuckle

"No one has seen him in a while."

"I guess, but no one saw you for a while." I shrug

"But some people saw me, Justin has like vanished off the face of the earth."

My phone dinged just as his finished talking.

Hunter: yo Justin is coming back to school, saw him in main office!

I put my phone away and sighed a little too loud. Tyler looked at me as he tried to examine my emotion.

"You okay?" He asked softly

"Yeah Justin is coming back." I sighed

"If he lays a finger on you."

"He won't." I hugged him and got up to find Hunter

I wondered my way through school when I saw him. Justin. His eyes stared into mine for a few seconds before the broke away as he headed the opposite way from me. I took a deep breath in and kept walking. Thoughts flowed in and out of my head. Why was he here again? Do I still have a bit of feeling for him? Why was I so numb when we had eye contact? Does he still like me? Where was he?

"Yo are you okay?" Hunter spoke grabbing my shoulders

"Yeah, I just need to leave." I said softly

"Want me to drop you home?"

"Nah I'm good, thanks though."

"Text me when you get home. I'm worried for you. Drive safe beautiful." He hugged quickly and walked away

I nodded and got my things, heading for the door when my phone vibrated, notifying a text from my brother.

Cam: dads back, I don't know if you wanna go home yet. Mum was trying to look for you.

I sighed. My mum has been trying to get me to come to her place for years. I have always stayed with dad, her and I had a huge fight and I don't want to see her face again.

I walked to my car as my heart dropped to the ground. She was there.

"What are you doing here." I said walking backwards

"I want to talk." She demanded

"No, I don't want to talk to you."

"I know you don't but we need to."

"No I'm not talking to you, after everything you have done to us." I glared

"Your glad you weren't in foster care, I hope they put you in there with that attitude." She hisses

"Your lucky your not in jail. I can't believe you would say that to your daughter. Now let me get home."

"Let me talk to you."

"Do you want me to call dad or Cameron." I snap

"Let me talk to you." She repeated

"Let me get home, I have no idea why you think I would talk to you." I rolled my eyes

"I know what I did was wrong but you need to come with me."

"I'm not going nowhere with you!" I yell and run to my car and lock it.

She walks away and yells "we are going to talk if you like it or not one day!"

I sat in my car and cried, the thought of her and I talking even seeing her face made me so mad, what she was going to do to me. She hurt me, I never wanted to see her face again. My cries got louder and my breathing got shallower. My emotions got interrupted by a knock at the car window.

It was Zion.

"What do you want." I sniffled

"Let me in please." He said softly

I unlocked the car and let him in. He sat on the passenger seat, it was silent. I felt like the world was going in slow motion. Why did I let him in? A tear streamed down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away.

"I'm sorry, I hate when your upset." He finally spoke

"It's not about you."

"Wanna talk about it?" He questioned

I just nodded and took a deep breath.

"When I was first born, my father loved the thought of having two children, one boy, one girl. He loved the thought of me and how I would grow into a strong women. My mother only wanted one child, so when she found out she was pregnant with me she wasn't happy and wanted an abortion. I only found out years after they spilt up about this. Without my father knowing she went to get an abortion, but the procedure failed. After my father found out he was so angry and upset. So when I was born he got custody of me. She wasn't happy about this at all. So the fights started, through my childhood until I was twelve, she would come over and try and get me back. At one stage she tried to kidnap me. I was so scared and she was at my car before and all these memories started to come back. I never want to see her again ever." I broke into tears

He grabbed his thumb and wiped the tears away, giving me a hug.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry you had to go through this. You don't deserve this, you don't deserve this you are so amazing, beautiful and strong."

He broke away from the hug and leaned in. His lips were placed onto mine and all my thoughts went away. He broke away with a guilty look on his face.

"I can't I can't do this." He stuttered

My face dropped in confusion, as he got out of my car and ran away.

My brothers best friend Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu