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I sat up as I noticed I wasn't in school hall anymore. I look to my right to see the school nurse writing in her book. I don't really remember what happened after me seeing Zion kissing that other girl. My blood started to boil. I want him to regret loosing me.

"Oh you're awake sweetie." The nurse spoke

"Yeah, what happened?" I question with my eyebrows raised

"Well Hunter told me that you fainted, he carried you to the nurses office." She replied

"Can I see him, I need to say Thank you."

"Hunter is suspended, maybe he could explain that to you after school." She chuckled

"Am I allowed to leave?" I ask after a minute of silence

"Well let me check that you don't have a mild concussion then you should be able to head home." She said flashing a light in my eyes.

She clicked the flash light off and smiled.

"Hunter is a keeper, you are good to go."

What does she mean

I rushed out of the nurses office and headed to the direction of my locker. Diving into my bag for my phone. As I fumble to find it, i hear voices down the corridor. I just disregarded them and was on the search for my phone. I heard cries now. I stopped and dashed towards the cries. It was cries of pain, I knew what they sounded like so I rushed to get to area.

Finally after a few minutes of going from hallway to hallway I found her, a boy had her pinned up to a locker. Softly saying no at this point, she was hanging on a last bit of hope.

"She said no!" I yell while heading towards them.

The girl looks up as cries fall down her face. The boy turns his head and I see who it is. Zion. My face drops. He ignores me and tries to kiss her again.

"GET OFF HER NOW!" I yell with every bit of energy built up because of him. Everything he did, every emotion he gave me. It was all gone. People told me he was like this but I never believed them.

He pulls away from her keeping the distance from him and the girl. At this point I grab the girls hand and pull her behind me.

"She said no."

"I didn't hear her."

"Bullshit you did."

"So what if I did, what are you going to do?" He rolls his eyes

"You are a disgusting human being, how dare you treat her like a object because she's vulnerable. She said no but you still continued. You were hurting her." My hands laid on his chest and pushed him back forcefully.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what I was doing." He said softly

I ignored his pathetic apology and turned to the girl who was behind me. I gave her a hug, I didn't know this girl but the painful look on her face hurt me.

"Are you okay?" I asked in a whisper

She nodded softly.

"Lay a hand on a girl again like that and your going to be in jail. Fucking hell you could be in jail now because of that. You can't do that shit, ever." My jaw tightened

He ran away.
My eyes blinked open.

"Are you okay?" He said softly

"What? Is that girl okay?" I rambled

"Lex, I found you fumbling around in the hallway and you collapsed."

Tyler rushed in.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned

"Just come with me." He said softly

"I have a lot of explaining to do." He added

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