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"Sure come in." Tyler rolls his eyes.

"Ty." I look nervously

"Its ok, its Rachel." He whispers

He hung up and pulled me onto him,i was now laying on top of him. My face started to turn a shade of pink.

"Pretend your asleep." He whispers.

I snuggle into his chest, hiding my face. The front door slamed as the sound of foot steps could be heard. He kissed my head and started to play with my hair again. I started to relax.

"Whos that!" She yelled

"Shhh shes alseep. Rachel we arent dating."

"Who is she!" She repeated

"None of your business." He spat back

"Well i want you." She smirks

"Well i dont, i have my girlfriend with me." He sighed at annoyance

I softly blushed.

"Girlfriend." She laughs

"Bet im better at sex then her, you probably havent even had it with her." She adds confidently.

"Its none of your business, just leave, stop trying to get with me. I really like her and i dont need you ruining my love life being horny and forcing yourself on me again." He sighs

She left without another word, the door slammed behind her, i was shocked. I softly kissed his collarbone. A smile appeared on his lips. My kisses trailed to his lips. He broke the kiss. He started to suck my neck with pressure.

"No hickeys, i dont wanna cover them tomorrow."

"Oh you love them." He smirks

"Tyler, we have to go to school tomorrow, promise?"

"Okay i promise." He smirks

He pulled me closer to his face.

"Dont get how you arent dead yet." I laugh

"You know how to ruin a moment dont you." He smiled

"Oh we were having a moment?" I say playfully confused.

"Lex." He playfully roll his eyes

"Ty." I smiled while tracing shapes on his bare chest.

- skip to morning :)

I woke up to tylers arms wrapped around me, while talking softly on the phone. I kissed his cheek as he gave me a soft smile.

"Sorry i woke you." He places his lips on mine.

"Its okay, who are you talking to?"

"Daniel." He replies and puts it on speaker

I smile and cuddle into his chest.

"Hi lexi, im daniel, tylers friend."

"Hi daniel." I yawn

"Okay so tyler, theres a party tonight after school, you're coming right?"

"Um i dont know dude, i might stay with lex, isnt cameron gonna be there."

"Camerons left town." He sighs

"Where did he go?" I reply

"Oh uh i think to his aunts."

I started to breathe heavily. My aunt is bad news, shes my mothers sister and we have never talked to her since the affair.

"Hey hey its okay, he will be okay." Tyler softly spoke, he sat up and placed me on his lap, facing him. He pulled me in for a hug.

"Sorry lexi, i thought you knew."

"Its okay daniel, tyler go to the party, you have been looking after me." I reply

"Im not leaving you, thats what boyfriends do." He said but his face went wide, he regretted his sentence.

"Well text me if you're coming, i will pick you up."

"Thanks dude, see ya." Tyler quickly responded and hung up.

"Im so sorry it slipped out, i shouldnt of said that." He apologised

"Its okay, i just really like you but i dont want to hurt my brother." I sigh

"I like you so much Lexi." He confesses

"Lets not put a label on this yet, for your brothers sake." He adds

"Okay." I smile

"Im skipping school." I reply

"I am too."

"Nope, you're going to school, i dont want you missing out."

"Well Im only going if you go." He says stubbornly

- school

We finally get to school, as we walk down the hall we get the casual glares in our direction. I didn't mind, I was kind of use to it. I had my scrunchie on my arm as I went to go put my hair up Tyler stops me.

"Ty." I say confused

"I like your hair out." He reply's simply

He takes me scrunchie and put it on his wrist.

"If you loose it, I won't be happy. It's my favourite!" I yell as he walks to his first class.

I sit in my seat as Justin sits besides me.

"Hey babe." He says snaking his arms around me

"Get your hands off of me." I growl

"I didn't need to tell your brother after all, you done with Tyler yet. I know you want me."

"Leave me alone, fuck face." I reply

"Well maybe you should be nicer to me, after all jade is my girlfriend." He snickers

My eyes went wide as jade sat next to him and kissed his lips.

Why was I jealous of this?

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