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"Tell them what lex, what I did to jade?" His smirk made my blood turned cold

"I will stand up and tell everyone what you did, you pig." I give him a glare

"Loosen up princess, stop being so tight." He says softly

"You don't call me that anymore. Hear me." I roll my eyes

"You don't get to control what I say or do, hear me." He replied sharply

"You're not going to get away with this, you're going down and what you have done and still doing is going to get exposed. You think you're untouchable Justin but I won't stop til everyone knows what you did and are doing to girls." I whisper in his ear

"Go on expose me then, I will turn myself in if you give me a second chance." He stated as his eyes travelled my body

"A second chance, never going to happen." I said as my index finger pulled his chin up, so we had eye contact.

"You turn yourself in, or I will." I add

"You don't make the rules baby, I do. Here I will give you a deal. I will turn myself in if you give me a kiss."

"A kiss?" I chuckle at his pathetic attempt

"I promise that's all I want from you, a kiss, just one, I only need one for you to fall in love with me." He said with confidence

"Okay deal, go on tell them. I wanna hear you confess." I say as I regret what just came out of my mouth

He walks to the teachers, looks over at me and whispers in their ear. They grab him and walk him out. As he exits the gym, he mouths "done." I let out a sigh as hunter looks over at me.

"Why did you agree to that shit." He questions

"Well I'm not actually gonna kiss him." I chuckle

"He's gonna be in jail so." I add

"Not wrong there, but his father is the top lawyer here so." He rolls his eyes

"Fuck." I say under my breath

""Yeah didn't think about that did ya." He chuckles

We finally got dismissed and my phone starts to ring, it's Tyler. I hesitantly pick it up hoping hunter didn't see.

"Hello?" I spoke after 3 rings

"Hi baby, I want you." He spoke as if he just woke up

Normally I would melt by his words but hunter was near me and I couldn't tell him, he would beat my ass if I was back with Tyler.

"Not now, I can't, why aren't you at school?" I questioned

"I didn't feel up to it today, plus I tried to cover the hickeys up from last night but I couldn't. Didn't wanna risk it." He chuckled

"But what are you doing now, I need you right now." He adds

"I'm at school and I'm going to a party with hunter later."

"Can you not go, I'm in desperate need of you."

"Why are you being like this?" I giggle, causing hunter to glare

"Because I miss you." He says softly

"You know I do too, but I can't say it right now as someone is near me." I whisper softly

"After the party can you come to my house? I will make my bed extra comfy?" He questions

"Okay I can, just don't fall asleep, I will probably be there after 12am."

"I can stay up, see you then baby girl."

"See you later."

I finally end the call. Hunter looks at me.

"Don't tell me, you're with Tyler again." He stares at me

"Hunter, I know ok." I sigh

"Hunny look at me." He says grabbing my shoulders

"You can tell me okay, just be careful ok." He says softly

"Aw I love you hunter." I said and hugged him

He hugged back as we stayed in each other's embrace for a few moments before breaking it off.

"Let's go get ready for this party bubs." He smiles

- skip to party

We enter this party and as all parties are you get hit with the smell of alcohol and sweat. I saw a few guys eyes on me as I walked through the crowded dance floor to the kitchen for a drink. I couldn't blame them I had on a black dress that practically hugged every inch of my body, which also made me very insecure. I wanted to go home, but I just grabbed a drink. Hunter left to talk to some guy friends so I sat on the couch just observing. Then a familiar figure sat next to me. Justin.

"Hey baby girl. I think you owe me something." He smirked

"Did you get in trouble?" I ask, dodging his statement

"Well I'm suspended for a few months until everything settles." He replied

I nod in response

"I didn't mean to do that to her." He sighs

"I will tell you the story when I can legally." He adds

I just nod again in response.

"But I do need a kiss if that okay with you." He smiles  and shuffles closer

"Let's go somewhere more quiet." I suggest, as if Tyler saw me kissing Justin it would be a nightmare

"I know where we can go follow me." He smirks

I regret this so much, I thought to myself.

"Okay here we are." He says as his eyes travel all over my body.

I look as we were outside in front of a shed, he opens it and shuts the door behind me. It was filled with a few bean bags and a couch, with a tv mounted to the wall.

"So can I kiss you now." He says softly

I nod as he pulls me close to him. I didn't want to kiss him but a deal is a deal at this point. His lips touch mine and he nibbles my bottom lip for entrance, I deny it as I just wanted it to be over. He grabs my hips and rubs them, I moan as his tongue slips down my throat. I break the kiss as he goes to kiss my neck but notices the makeup covering the hickeys.

"Who gave you those, Hunter?" He questions as he rubs my neck

I grab his arm, "it's none of your business who I got them from."

"Fine, I'm done here." He says and walks out

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