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I left Justin in the room and i walked down stairs. I was so sick of this party,I sat on the couch. I felt a set of hands snake around me, I look up to see Leo.

Leo was a good friend that I haven't seen in a year. I have always had a crush on him but since we have been friends for 6 years, it would just be too weird.

"Leo hey." I smile

"Hey lex." He returns the smile

"What you doing and where's Justin?" He adds

"I didn't know you knew." I say puzzled

"Yeah everyone knows lex, where is he?" He repeats

"Oh I kinda left him in the room." I laugh

He laughs with me and makes me sit on his lap. This was a usual thing for us, we were really good friends. I rested on him and closed my eyes.

"Lex I kinda need to tell you something. I never knew how to tell you and I still don't but you deserve to know." He says nervously

"Go on Leo, you can trust me, I will be neutral."

"Well I'm gay and have been for a while, I just value your judgment so much and I didn't know how to tell you." He says while fidgeting with his fingers

"I'm so proud of you, this is so good that you can express and be happy with your decisions." I say softly and hug him

"Have you been talking to cam." I say upset

I haven't seen cam in ages and I don't know where he is or what he is doing. I'm worried for him.

"I haven't. I'm sorry." He replies softly while playing with my hair

Just as the sentence left his mouth, a stumbling, drunken, beaten Cameron stumbles in yelling my name.

I race up to him and hug him in my arms, I let go and see the black eye and scratches all over his body. He drops to the floor and passes out. My eyes become wide open and he just dropped to the floor. Everyone looks over as it becomes silent. Leo calls 911 and I just try and get him up.

The ambulance arrive and they take him away, I quickly rush with Leo in the car as he drives there. I really did miss cam but I'm scared about his health. We finally got to the hospital, we have to wait in the waiting room. Leo puts me on his lap and cuddles me. Hours passed and no update about Cameron. I couldn't sleep so I tried to get out of Leo's grip but he gripped tighter and said, "you need sleep."

"I can't sleep though." I reply

"They haven't told me anything about my brother.
I'm  scared" I add

"I will keep u safe in my arms, try and get some rest darling." He replies while trying to get me comfortable

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