Breaking Glass

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I could barely breath. He didn't just say that he liked me. I wasn't freaking out. Was I?

I ran back to my dorm practically breaking down the door. It was dark. Like really dark. I couldn't see anything. I tried calling out to Rose but she didn't answer. I was trying to reach the light when I tripped over something.

A body. It was Rose.

I ran to the light and switched it on. Rose was lying on the floor with blood on her face. A broken case was next to her. I checked her pulse. Still breathing. I called the cops while starting CPR.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"My friend, she is having a hard time breathing, she has glass on her and it looks like someone broke in!!!"

"We have your location, we will send help immediately."

Time Skip:

I was sitting in the waiting room of Courscant Hospital crying. When the EMT's came, they had to rush her to the hospital immediately. I was scared. Rose looked like she was fighting the battle between life and death.

The doctor came out. "There is glass from the vase stuck in her head. Rose needs surgery."

As the procedure went on I started thinking. Had Rose broken the vase on her head or had a intruder broken in and broken the vase on Roses head?

After maybe 30 minutes the doctor came out and said that I could see her.

As I walked in Rose was crying. I started talking to her. She eidnt answer. There was a look of hate in her eyes.

Then she muttered one word, enemy.

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