Chapter 10

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(3rd Person)

After their introduction, (Y/N) and Asia instantly became hot topics amongst the boys and the girls of Kuoh Academy, the girls going to Asia and the males going to (Y/N). Asia took the new attention with a small shy smile and bashfully trying her best to answer the girls questions, (Y/N) however attempted to ignore the boys seeing as how most of them particularly a duo who seemed to be given the worst of the glares from the girls. One with glasses on his face, the other was bald, every time they asked a question, (Y/N) either bluntly shot it down or just humiliated them in general.

Baldy: You live with Asia? You did both come in at the same time.

(Y/N): Why would you assume something like that? Do you want me to assume you two live under the same room because you're standing right next to each other?

Glasses: What porn magazines do you hide under your bed?

(Y/N): One, I don't share your pathetic hobbies, two even if I did have it, what makes you think I would reveal that? And three...

Suddenly (Y/N) grabbed glasses' collar surprising the two before they looked to see (Y/N) had a dark look on his face while his evil intent start leaking out in the form of an evil aura.

(Y/N): Make one move towards Asia, and they won't find your bodies, don't think of this as a threat, this is a promise.

They nodded in fear before backing away as (Y/N)'s face turned back into his neutral expression, his ears twitched when he picked up the conversation between Asia and the girls.

Girl 1: So, Asia, who's the cute boy that came in with you? His name's (Y/N), right?

Asia: Yes! (Y/N) is my best friend, someone I care for deeply, oh, but he sometimes likes to push people away, and if you find him scary, don't, please, he's a really nice person!

Girl 2: Scary? Why would we think he's scary? He's got a cute face, not to mention that uniform doesn't hide those muscles~

(Y/N): 'Ugh even though they aren't devils, some girls will always just be desiring for something they can never have... oh well, at least they aren't devils... speaking of which'

Suddenly (Y/N) snapped his head in the direction of the only student who didn't get up to greet them; Issei gulped in fear when he caught (Y/N)'s glare directed right at him.

(Y/N): 'Sona, the damn devil knew Issei was in here and probably purposely placed us in here so he could keep an eye on us... huh, now should I burn him with holy weapons, or try out that devil... power of mine...'

Yes, (Y/N) knew how powerful his new ability could be. After Rias explained to him the evil intent mixed with his power he felt slightly better knowing he wasn't a pure devil, but...


Rias: You may not be a whole devil, but the power can only be wielded by devils, so to some extent, you could say you are part devil part human.

(Y/N): Great... it's just as I feared: I'm the one thing I hate the most in this world.

Kalawarner was also in the room, she was shifting in place nervously while watching the situation; she wanted to go comfort (Y/N) to prove their partnership wasn't fake, however (Y/N) made it very clear he wants nothing to do with her, it's her fault he's even more of a shut in now.

Rias: You don't have to act so depressed, don't you realise having the power of a devil is a gift that no human has ever been lucky enough to experience, much less see?

(Y/N): I hate it Rias, I've always hated devils and I still do. But now, to think that even if I'm not a full devil that I'm some half-breed. It almost makes me want to take my own life.

To forgive or not (Highschool DxD x Male Reader volume 1)Where stories live. Discover now