Chapter 15

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(3rd Person)

Currently (Y/N) was sitting on top of what looked like a massive backpack, he had his legs crossed while resting his elbow on one of them, in his right hand was a book he was humming in approval while nodding and turning the page every now and then, as for the surroundings: he was heading up a mountain, almost as if the backpack was carrying him up, speaking of, the backpack's panting causing (Y/N) to look down with an annoyed frown.

(Y/N): Hey! If this is all you got, then Riser wouldn't even eat you for breakfast, you'd be that cereal bar snack that can be gulped down in one bite, but even smaller, just like your self-esteem.

Issei: Oh shut up! It'd be much easier if you get off!

(Y/N): I don't want to hear complaining devil boy! This is only the first stage of your training, if you can't handle a little extra weight, then you're easy prey for the rest of my training!

Kiba: (Y/N), go easy on him, if you would be so kind...

The blonde swordsman in question jogged past with a backpack of his own that was twice the height of Issei's backpack causing the brown-haired devil to drop his jaw in shock. (Y/N) waved Kiba away while turning back to his book.

Koneko: Yeah, why don't you join us (Y/N)? You'd get more training in as well...

She ran next to them with a backpack ten times the size of Issei's, (Y/N) shrugged his shoulders still immersed in his book before glancing at the white-haired girl from the corner of his eye.

(Y/N): Why don't you shut it and keep climbing, do what your teacher says, now.

Without another word, Koneko jogged past Issei, once Issei realised the reality of his strength compared to the other two he fell to his knees in despair, but that didn't seem to faze (Y/N) since he now full on laid down on the backpack.

(Y/N): If you don't get us up there by the end of the day, I'll get Rias to teleport you to that client of yours to spent the whole day with, what was their name again...? Mil-Tan?

That was all Issei needed for inspiration, he grew a face full of fear and full on sprinted up the hill, (Y/N) sadistically smiled at that before turning another page in his book. The page caused him to go wide-eyed and literally shoot up.

(Y/N): That's impossible!!!

Issei: What?

With his concentration broken, Issei tumbled to the floor, (Y/N) quickly leapt off the backpack landing on the mountainside, he quickly saw Issei along with said backpack roll down the mountain. All (Y/N) did was shake his head in disappointment and let out a sigh.

(Y/N): Devils...

This was followed by him closing the book and reading the title: "How to be a dick", he chuckled while remembering what the book told him to do if in a situation like that, then (Y/N) proceeded to turn and head up the hill thinking of the punishment for Issei being late.


Once he got to the top, he saw the concerned looks of Rias and the peerage minus Issei, all (Y/N) did was point his thumb over his shoulder. Rias sighed in frustration while pinching the bridge of her nose.

Rias: Well, I guess Issei will catch up later, for now though. It's time for training, (Y/N), what do you want us to do?

(Y/N): Fight me.

Rias: Excuse me!?

(Y/N): You heard me, to see what I'm working with I'll need all of you attacking me so I can determine your strengths and weaknesses, come on, bring it.

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