Say Goodbye To Your loved One Part 4

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"I'm gonna break your legs!" Yang yelled while getting on her bike. "I said he got away! That's not my fault, Goldilocks." I rolled my eyes immediately after her comment.

"I heard you chatting with him before we split up!"

"You think I'm that bad, don't you?" I crossed my arms. Yang stammered at my question; "no. No of course not... You're just-" Yang stopped her own Freudian slip.

"I'm what know?" Yang turned her head away from me. "Hey, it's getting late for me. So let's get go-" Yang stopped talking when grabbed her shoulder. "I'll drive you back, okay?"

"I need to change. I really need you to help me, Yang." I smiled when I held Yang's hand close to my chest. "Anything for you, (Y/N)."

I gently picked Yang up, then put her down on the back seat of the bike.

When arriving at Yang's dormitory building, I felt her gentle breathe push against my back, while she was snoring. I got off of the bike and stopped when I noticed Yang was clinging onto me.

I carried Yang into her dorm in a bridal position. Seeing her face while she was sleeping really made me happy. But still can't explain what kind of happiness this is.

Well, I'd better stop before it gets creepy. I silently opened her room's door and softly tucked Yang into her bed.

'Done and done.' I wiped off my jacket while exiting the room, until something in the dark snagged on my foot, and made me plummet to the ground. 'Great!'

"Who's there?" A feminine and groggy voice called into the dark room. "Yang is that you?" Upon hearing somebody getting up from there bed, which had an adolescent voice, I tried to crouch-walk to the door and stay out of sight. (I would have tried to jump out the window, but she was in the way of it.) I then remembered my talisman wasn't the greatest thing for a stealthy exfiltration. "Who's there?" Her voice made me bolt out of the door and down the hallway.

I stopped running when a barrage of rose petals flew into my face. As soon as the screen of red roses stopped blocking my sight, a young girl with Raven black blocked my path, again. "(Y/N)?"

I got out of my stage shock and awe, and smiled. "in the flesh."

"Are you Yang's stalker?" I tilted my head at the girl's question. "No." 'Does Yang call me a stalker?'

"Then you are Yang's boyfriend."

"Yup." I patted the little girl's shoulder and walked past her. "I've got places to go. Have a good night."

"Wait, why does my sister keep saying she doesn't know you?... Are you a bad person?" The girl's question froze me in place. 'I'll be a better person for you, Yang.'

"No, I'm a good guy. Yang is just embarrassed about us kissing in the trees." I chuckled a little in tandem with Yang's sister.

"I'm Ruby, it's nice to finally meet you."

"I'm (Y/N). Please don't wear it out." Ruby reached out for a handshake. I reached out and gently squeezed her hand.

"Why is there bullet holes in your coat, anyway?' Ruby asked me.


The tension on my gun's trigger was squeezed and tested when I pressed Ebony against a White Fang's head.

"I have a message for Roman," I said as I pulled out a piece of paper. "Let's see here, 'the last time we met was a warning, but since I know you're doing something even more disastrous, now. Here's a fair warning, next time I see you, you're dead.'" I shoved the White member away from me.

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