Epilouge Part 1

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The rising sun intruded my shop, as I chugged down another shot of hard liquor.

My shop looks abandoned and old. 'And just to think it been a few hours since a new era.' I poured out another shot into my glass cup.

The alcohol made the smell of rotting flesh almost nonexistent. The van from earlier is still mangled from its crash from last night.
It's a reminder. I'm not a hunter, just a sick parody of one.

Once I got sick of the taste of non-stop liquor, I stood to my feet and wandered to my father's sword, delicately displayed on the shop's main wall.

Maybe I am my father. No, my father had a loving woman I'm his life. But I'll be like him someday... "Someday," I spoke, hesitatingly.

I took the picture of Yang from my back pocket. I admired it. It reminds of someone I shouldn't be. 'No more jokes, and no more child's play.' I quickly stabbed the picture of Yang into the ground with my mother's sword. 'Goodbye, mom... Yang...'

I'm not sure what I'll do from now on. But I just want to back to the beginning, and stay there for a very long time. I began to take my first steps towards my old home. Where everything was simpler.

As I walked further towards the rising sun and out of my shop; an old scenario I played out in my head. A scenario that is seared into it. A scenario never forgot; all because of Roman's death.


"Money, I need money." An old hobo tugged on my long flowing red jacket. "Sorry, but I'm all out." I hiccupped, with my cheeks growing red.

My breath was infested with the stench of boozes at the time. It even stunk worse the hoboes breathe.

As I strolled along the street, the sun setting hurting my eyes. "Will you give me change now?" The hobo's voice was in my ear, as he pressed a gun to my back.

"Go in that alley. There's no way someone like you doesn't have money."

As I gladly entered the alley, five men emerged from the shadows. With some holding guns, and others holding baseball bats.

The final two people that entered the alley. where two people I would come to know very well. Roman and Neo.

Roman spoke up,"I said hold up white collars. Not male strip dancers with red collars..." I looked down at to I see didn't have a shirt under my jacket. Strip poker does do that. "How do you confuse the two!?" Roman scolded the men around me.

"He's young too." Roman walked towards me and shook my hand, "I'm so sorry about this. Just forget it ever happened, okay?"

"Alright, but on one condition. I get to keep that midget as a footstool." I slurred out that last part while pointing towards Neo.

"Just get out of here!" Roman then shoved me, while Neo passively waved goodbye. The following shove caused the amulet I was wearing to slipped out from my red coat.

"Give that amulet." Roman reached his hand to my amulet; only for me to smack his Hand away.

Roman then waved his henchmen to surround me. The next few minutes were always a blur, but I remembered one crucial part from it all.

"And I thought devils never cried." Roman picked Neo from off her feet.

At the time, I was Grimm state, sobbing. Flashes of my mother's bloodied corpse and me running away seared themselves into my head.

As Roman's voice was heard, as I slowly developed back into my human figure.

"You have potential..." Roman inquired while walking through the ashes of his fallen comrades"...And I love that!"

Roman gently pulled me up. "You'll make a great addition to the team. Does that sound good to you?" Roman said while Neo wrapped her arms around my waist, in a gentle embrace.

It's weird how Neo after this event had a crush on me. Heh, easy come. Easy go.

I chuckled a little while still tipsy. A phrase that started it all.

"let's start the party!"

"Stylish!" Male (Dante) Reader X Yang Xiao Long - Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now