Show Armageddon That You Are to Be Feared part 5

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I lean back in my chair, just waiting for A response from Yang. I kick my feet up on my desk, trying not to let anxiety take over my thoughts. But seeing what Yang did, it's best not to worry right now.

The phone on my desk rang, giving me a feeling of relief. "Devil May Cry." I tried to come off as cool and collected.

"We, we need some help!" A female voice came out on the other end?

"What's the password?"

"I said I needed help!"

"Sorry, no password, no service. Same goes for shoes and pants." I abruptly hung up.

I haven't seen Yang in a few days, and the tournaments are over. She's been on my mind since what happened at the diner. I'd hate to think that I'll never see her again. I just want to hear her make a pun again... Just thinking about her, just makes me want to hear her voice again, just once.

Doesn't help that Roman is a rain cloud over my head. Since he's in prison, I just can't walk over and blow his brains out. But I know he's up to something. Especially since Neo is doing her mime act somewhere around town.

The phone on my desk rang snapping me out of my thoughts. "Devil May Cry." I tapped my fingers on my desk.

"Is this the Grimm hunter?" A husky male voice asked. the way he talked almost made it seem like he was out of breathing.

"It is. Now, what's the password?"

"Password? I don't have a pass-" I slammed the phone into the receiver. Fifth phone call within the hour. The hunters must be on union break tonight.

I picked an old picture of my mother. The familiar taste of a wonderful a sundae went across my mouth.

I wish I can be a hunter, just like her, or even better. Or maybe make sundaes like her's. Maybe I should give Beacon a shot. Just for Yang and mother.

I gently caressed the amulet on my chest. Yang better gives the other one back, or I'm gonna break her legs.

The phone rang again. Tearing me away from my thoughts. "Devil May Cry." I rapidly tapped my fingers against my desk.

"I  going to come over to your shop. Everything is going to be okay Jamie!" It's the same female voice from earlier.

"Alright, I'll make an exception for this time and only this time." The line abruptly went dead. A smile spread across my face. I holstered my guns, with an underwhelming sense of anticipation slowly creeping out of somewhere deep inside my gut.

The sudden sound of wheels screeching on the road overwhelmed my ears. A car burst through my shop's front doors... Again!

I jumped up from my chair, avoiding the runaway soccer mom car. "Wow, slow down babe." I waltzed towards the driver's door and tore it open. The sight of red and shredded clothes splattered across the whole interior of the car. The smell of desecrated corpses then violated my sense of smell.

I stumbled back on my hands and feet while vomiting. A disembodied voice echoed through my head, laughing. It almost gave me a headache

"Beautiful, isn't it?" The feeling of eyes staring from behind me sent a chill down my spine.

As I turned around, the mirror on my office's wall showed an image of an ugly looking hag. The hag wore a black dress, with skin as pale as the moon.

"Salem, I was wondering where that chill came from."

"Hello, child." Salem, the woman in the mirror chuckled, "you're looking like your father each and every day."

"That's nice, but I'm an adult, and I don't have a FATHER!" I felt the word 'father' rippled out of my throat. Salem merely laughed at my outburst. "This world will be ruled by Grimm again, isn't this great Dante? Or was it (Y/N)?"

I looked down to the ground, with a long silence between the both of us... 'I really gotta re-sand these floors.' I thought to myself, just to get my mind off of the current situation.

"If you ever want to serve me and maybe someday be my equal, let me know. Until then Dante, or whoever you are... Game over." The mirror she appeared in filled up with black smoke until it suddenly broke into multiple pieces.

"Well then Salem, that's seven years bad luck." I walked past the now wrecked car and grabbed my Crimson coat. The talisman on my coat jingled as I threw it on.

While I grabbed my mother's sword; I looked over to the car that crashed. 'This will never happen again. All Grimm are gonna go extinct.' That thought, idea, and philosophy was now brunt into mind.

I slowly poked my head outside of the now new hole in my wall. Looks like a new era is starting out there... And I'm missing the party. Time to show these Grimm how to be stylish. From one Grimm to another.


'Game over?... Don't count on it.' I was perched on top of Beacon's tower. Yang and I used to come up here after dark, and sometimes, she would even sneak out during her own classes to come up here.

The sight of fire, smoke, and innocent people running from their doom overwhelmed my thoughts. If I never see Yang again, then at least I know I'm doing something she would do.

I smiled at the thought of Yang knowing of what I'm about to do.

I finally get it. I know what I'm feeling now.

I love you, Yang... I hope you would be proud. This is something a hunter or huntress would do, right?

Lightning crackled in the night sky as it struck my sword. The following light show of a thunderstorm from my sword gave away my position to all the Grimm and other white gang members attacking the inhabitants of Vale. Even a few hunters looked at me in shock and awe. I loved attention.

All of the Grimm formed inside the streets of Beacon. It almost looked like oil flowed down the roads, as the Herd of Grimm were coming towards me.

As the Grimm started to fly and crawl to the top of Beacon's tower, I laughed and jumped fearlessly towards all of the incoming Grimm. My coat and talisman flapped around violently in the air as I started to free fall.

I pulled out my twin Ebony and Ivory handguns as Nevermore Grimm flew towards me. One shot took one kill as dozens my handgun's bullet cases started to descend with me.

One Nevermore flew upwards from below and tried to swallow me whole.  I pulled out my sword and chucked it down at the nevermore's head as the sword ripped through the creature's body like paper.

Bullet cases, me landing on my knees, and my sword stabbing the ground happened in tandem with one another.  crouched down form the fifty-story fall, I looked up to see an army of Grimm in front of me. The toothy grin on my face made the Grimm a little hesitant. "Well, this just keeps getting better and better."

"Let's rock!"

"Stylish!" Male (Dante) Reader X Yang Xiao Long - Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now