The Discovery

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Percy Jackson rubbed his head. He felt a large bump underneath his black messy hair.  "wha...?" He mummbled. He squinted up at the glowing sun above him. He was lying on his back, covered with bruises and cuts. His jeans were brown with mud and his Camp-Half-Blood tshirt was now green at the shoulders from grass stains. Confused, Percy sat up and rubbed his arms. What happened? Where was he? Percy looked around. A forest, perhaps. Maybe he was in the Camp-Half-Blood forest. Maybe he was home, safe. Percy tried to remember how he got there. Argo II attacked by harpies.... fell off ship.... dead? No, there was an ocean. He would be safe.

Percy gasped. But the others couldn't survive it. His thoughts immediatly shifted to Annabeth. Was she okay? Was she hurt? Was she even here? Percy got up and dashed around the trees, looking for her. Was she still at the ship, or maybe at the bottem of the ocean? Had the harpies gotten her? Was she.... was she..... no. Annabeth was alive. She had to be.

Percy, staring straight ahead at his path, immediatly stumbled over a large human figure.

"Gah!" They both yelped as Percy landed on his face. He whipped around. "Anna- FRANK!"

"Percy?" Frank rubbed his arm. "That hurt." "Sorry." Percy breathed. "Where are the others? Where's Annabeth?"

"Sheesh, I just got here."

Percy scrunched his nose. "What?"

"I just woke up! I must've bumped my head on something after falling off the ship." Frank helped Percy off the ground. "But you don't know where the others are?"

"I just woke up myself." Percy brushed dirt and leaves off his jeans. "I was looking for Annabeth."

"No wonder you were running so fast."

Percy hoped he wasn't blushing. "Did anyone else fall off the ship?"

Frank shrugged sheepishly. "Think I saw Leo and Nico fall, maybe Hazel..." His face turned white. "Crap."

"Exactly." Percy sighed. "We need to find them. Uh...." He looked around. "Know this place?"

Frank shook his head. "I could turn into a bird or something, fly around a bit. Look for them."

Percy nodded. "Alright. I'll look myself. Meet back here in.... ten minutes or sooner. Got it?"

Frank nodded and shrunk into a bald eagle. Percy watched him fly over the trees until he was gone.


Frank soared over the tall, emerald trees. He found himself looking for fuzzy brown hair, a small purple camp shirt, but remembered he was looking for people besides Hazel, too. He was just so worried. He hoped more than anything she had survived the fall.

Frank had taken note of some things while flying. It looked just after sunrise, with a dewy feel to the air, so he figered it must be about early morning. When he looked to his far left he could see he was flying on the edge of the forest. There were houses lined up to the side.

Frank swooped down to the lower ground to get a better view. Plus, it was hard to think it the thin air higher up.

A minute passed, and Frank was about to go back when his spine jolted and became paralyzed. The last thing he saw before blacking out was a blurry image of a young teenager, probably a girl, staring down at him with a syringe between her fingers.


Lesley Yomath stuffed her empty syringe in her sweater and scooped up the bird the moment she saw its eyes close. It was unbelivably heavy, especially for a scrawny fourteen-year old like her, but she managed to get it into her backback and zipped up.

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