**Not an Update**

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Hello!! Alex here! I've been working on this story for about three/four days now, getting up at five in the morning, and not stopping until early noon. I've been working ever since the day I first got my account! I've been working very hard and just want to say thanks to all of you who support me and are still reading my story this far. I double-thank the people who have the heart to read this!!! So thank you everyone for reading my first story on Wattpad, which I just got an account on, like, four days ago. Thank you for trying out my first story, When You Meet A Demigod, and having a heart to continue. I think it is going pretty well so far, and I hope I will please you in the following chapters!

Please comment, like, and follow! I have one follower so far, CrazyLaughter, and thank her for it. I've read some of her stories and enjoy them, so you should check out her stories. I've needed some support and am glad someone gave me a chance.

Thank you everyone, and don't forget to comment anything you think may be helpful - I am still rather new to Wattpad and could use all the help I can get!

Again, thanks for reading, wish me luck, and check out my profile!

~Alex, code_sharpie :3

When You Meet a Demigod (completed)(first story)Where stories live. Discover now