Leo's New Customers

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Hi! So, I kind of lied when I said I would beat up Jason a lot in the last chapter or so....

Yeah, this is the chapter where he gets beat up.


Yours in fangirlness,



Frank watched unsteadily how Lesley convinced Piper, tricked Jason, and tried to kill Percy.

Man, he wanted to go to hell for not standing up for Hazel, but he was learning so much, and he figered this kind of information could help his friends. Besides, it looked like Jason was going to need him any minute now.

Frank had hitched a ride on one of Jason's crutches, posing as a spider. It was a long way, but luckily Jason had some cash left in his pocket for a quick taxi. But even with that, the sun started setting fast, and Jason would speed up, almost knocking himself down.

Frank didn't know why Jason had given into Lesley's words so quickly at their first meet, but he could understand his excitment for seeing Piper. He had felt that way when he saw Hazel, but a million times worse. He wanted to see her so bad, but he had a dutie. He was on Lesley's track. He was figering things out, and he couldn't risk missing something important.

Don't worry Hazel, I'm coming. Just let me take care of Lesley first.

Frank had deditated himself as an animal spy. He promised himself not to turn into a human until he finally found out what Lesley's game was. And that was exactly what he was going to do.

Which also meant he couldn't turn into a human and tell Jason about Lesley. It would be pointless, for there was nothing much to tell, and it might throw him off track, making him lose his chance to figer out Lesley. All he knew was that Lesley could not be trusted. Not after what she tried to do to his two best friends.

He needed to see whether Lesley had been telling the truth, or had been leading them into a trap. It was impossible to tell.

But Frank had a feeling that he would be responible.


Lesley ran as hard as she could. She had way too much to do today. She took about three different shortcuts. She could not risk being late. One minute behing and her whole plan might be ruined.

Luckily, she made it just before Piper did. They were standing in a large field. The moon was rising.

"Lesley, there you are." Piper huffed. "What is it? What did you want to tell me?"

Lesley relaxed her jaw muscles and took a deep breath. That's what they did in her theatre class. 

"It's about... you." Lesley put on her best worried tone. "See, I read a book the other day, and, um..."

Piper nodded, waiting for more. Lesley cursed under her breath. Jason was just a tad too slow. Another minute and everything would go wrong. Her plan had been timed very carefully.

Lesley continued. "It was called 'The Lost Hero', and it looked like, um, you were in it."

Piper knitted her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"Well, like, you were a character inside the book. So was Jason."

Piper blinked. "I don't understand."

"That's alright, you don't have to..." Lesley murmered under her breath unpateintly.


"Well..." They were running out of time. The hellhound could appear anyminute.

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