Last Stand

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Hello!! Word up home dawgs!

So, a lot of things happened, and i know what you're all thinking: reading this far is kinda pointless. Thanks if you're here, anyway! Warms my heart!

By the way, anyone who have idea for a new profile pic, tell me. I really want to change it to something more my character. The puppy dog has to go.

Well, thanks for reading the last chapter, where everything is confusing even for me. I should just kill everyone here, but they need to get to the fifth book. So, thanks for reading my first story, When you Meet a Demigod, (with a totally irrevelant title) and check out my others, as mentioned in the past chapters. Please come to my profile, comment, and follow!

Thanks for reading! Enjoy!

~Alex :3


Nico stared at Gaea, not allowing himself to feel fear.

Nico didn't want to be here. It was the last place he wanted to be! What did he do to come here? He was suppost to be getting the Athena Parthnos to Camp-Half-Blood.

The fear rushed in. He gave himself a goal - protect Hazel, get them out alive.

"Heroes," The goddess spread her arms as if waiting for a hug. "Do not thing I am here to defeat you. I have too many plans for that."

The others looked around nervously, like Gaea had just answered their quetions. She continued.

"It was Lesley here who wanted you dead." Gaea smirked.

"You possessed me!" Lesley screamed. "You filthy witch!"

Gaea shook her head, eyes closed. She made a tsk tsk sound. "Lesley, you may just be the worst criminal there is. For both mortal and godly laws."

"I was only trying to help!" Lesley screamed. "She possessed me!"

"How should we trust you?" Piper replyed.

Percy stepped up. "Because I saw it happen."

Annabeth nodded wistfuly. Piper tilted her head. "You saw her get possessed?"

Percy nodded. "Or, uh, un-possessed. I saw the spirit fly out of her. It was windy."

"Hmm." Gaea said. "True, true, I set Lesley as a diversion in your quest. I can't have demigods interfeiring in my waking."

Gaea looked at Lesley. "Admiriable job, Lesley. I would use you again, but I'm afraid your time has come."

"What?" Lesley sqeaked.

That's when a freckled tall boy with shaggy brown hair came running up. "Charlie?" Both Piper and Annabeth exclaimed, then looked at each other.

"Charlie, NO!" Lesley put her hands out to stop him. That's when the streak came.

Suddenly, a white lightning flash caught both Lesley and Charlie and wiped them out of existence.

"NO!" Percy yelled, but it was too late.

"What did you do?" Frank asked Gaea.

"I did nothing, heroes. Your dear Lesley and Charlie are serving punishment.

"Punishment for what?" Nico knew it sounded kind of stupid, after everything she'd done, but he felt like she might have done more then just blackmail.

Gaea smiled, which looked creepy with her forever-shut eyes.

"She has broken multiple promises. Many made of the River Styx itself. Charlie chose to go with her, unfortunally. They both will serve unspeackable punishment. Not even the gods know how its spent."

Jason steped foreward, sword in hand. "Why are you here?"

Gaea pulled out a glass vial with a sparkling pink liquid inside. "Take this, heroes, and yor recent memories will be washed away. Its best to believe this never happened."

"Why?" Asked Leo.

"Well, for starters, most of your group discovered the truth of your existance, which just won't do. Knowing you're a book may drive the person insane. Its happened."

Nico heard Jason mumble something about a movie. Some of the others nodded, but some were confused. Leo went out there and said, "What?"

Gaea smiled. "It will not matter after that potion. It will softly knck you to sleep, and in which you will wake back in your oringinal spots on the boat."

"How can we trust you? How do we know you didn't posion it?" Annabeth demanded.

Gaea looked to Piper. "Your friend Piper knows. Besides, I've already sworn on the styx it won't hurt you. It will only to as I say it will."

Piper looked doubtful, but then she studied the liquid in the small bottle. "Thats- that's a forgetting potion, right... my mom gave it to me on out first quest." Piper turned to Jason and Leo, who nodded, remembering as well.

Piper looked at Gaea. "But you still could have poisoned it."

"Well, there is no other way to convince you, is there?"

"Why are you helping us?" Percy asked.

Gaea turned to him, angry. "I have some responsibilaty! I know you have to survive the process for me to continue the sacrifice!"

Percy hesitatd, then stepped fore ward. "I'll try it first."

"Percy, no." Annabeth said.

"No, its fine." Percy said. "I'll drink the potion. If I pass out, Nico can tell whether I'm really dead or not."

"Percy..." Annabeth looked nervous. "Fine."

They looked at each other one last time before Percy opened the bottle.

"Make sure there's enough left for the others!" Gaea reminded him. He sipped the potion.

I moment passed. Annabeth stepped forward. "Percy..." Then he fell into her arms. "Percy!" He was out cold.

Everyone turned to Nico. he studied Percy. "Safe," He said.

Annabeth sighed in relief. She turned to Gaea, but she had dissapeared. Annabeth gulped and set percy on the ground. She picked the bottle off the floor, which had miraculasy not spilled.

"My turn." She squeaked. She sipped her share and passed out, just as Percy had.

"Safe," Nico reapeated.

Nico watched every person pass out after their sip until the last person was Jason.


"Drink." Nico insrtucted. Jason did so and crumbled next to Piper.

"Safe." Nico whispered to himself. He picked up the bottle, took one last look at all of the sprawled bodies littering the graveyard.

"Here I go," Nico sighed. He finished off the rest of the drink. His throat felt sweet and sour. It tickled his toungh. Nico's muscles felt like noodles. Nico blacked out, but stayed concious long enough to feel himself hit the ground.


I hope you liked it! By the way, I have a new follower, Rainbowdash0123. Thanks!

Thank you for reading my first story! Tell me what you think in the comments! Ideas are always welcome!

I'm sorry if you didn't like the abrupt ending, or how rushed it was, it just that this story was setting me on my nerves. I had to end it.

By the way, I'm changing the cover!! The first one was so dull and so horrible to be used as a cover, I had to change it. Don't get me wrong, I love the drawing itself (former cover artwork belongs to original owner), but its just doesn't work for me. I'm posting the old artwork in the media, if anyone cares what the cover used to be. Comment on the new one!

Thank you SOOO much for reading!!! please check out my other stories!!!

~Alex :P

When You Meet a Demigod (completed)(first story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ