McShizzle Gets a Job

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The part you've all been waiting for: Leo Valdez! I hope you like it!

By the way: This story is happening after the House of Hades, okay?

Thanks for reading! Enjoy! ~Alex


Leo Valdez was pretty sure he was getting the worst of luck.

He woke up in a stinky sewer, almost got run over by a Coca~cola truck trying to get out, tripped over the curb and crashed into a green trash can, and nearly got infected by a rabbit bite. He had finally stumbled into a large pointless field with no sense of direction and no idea what to do. Pretty much as suckish as you can get.

He was trekking along the field. His hand was still bleeding from when he was dangling from a computer wire from the Argo II. He had two identical talon scars  on his left shoulder from when the harpies had surprise-attacked him while he was tinkering, and a bloodly nose from getting smashed up against the wall after the ship started leaning, topped with a migrane.

Leo fell to his knees. His stomach rumbled. He groaned. Leo's food hole was empty. He needed to eat.

He remembered the stew and fruit and cider Calypso had made for him during his time on Ogygia. It reminded him of sweet memories. That's what he wanted. He wanted Calypso to be here with him, to help him keep moving, keep him company.

Leo smiled. Maybe make him some stew.

His stomach grumbled again. Leo crossed his legs and started fiddling with some peices. That seemed to relax him. Now he could think.


Leo jumped up. "Holy-" But he was grabbed from behind by his fatage army jacket collar and thrown into a truck.

"Huh?" Leo tried to sit up but was pushed into the trunk.

"Hey!" Leo swung his arm at the person, but stopped when the man crossed his arms.

"Don't think you can get away with bombing state property!" The man grumbled. He was bald with a checkered shirt and baby blue muddy jeans that hung too low. He was a bit on the chubby side with fuzzy arms. Leo thought he looked maybe forty, fifty something.

"Um...." Leo realised he was sitting on the back of a truck, balancing on the edge. "I don't... 'bomb'" He used his fingers to make quotation signs. The man looked doubtful. Leo didn't blame him. He almost laughed at himself - saying you don't bomb things when your a demigod sounds ridiculous.

The man raised and eyebrow. "Stupid teenagers are always setting off fireworks and stink bombs and explosives in this field and I don't like it. You looked like you were preparing a bomb."

"Oh, no, sir, never-" Leo tried not to smile. "-thats against all meanings of religion." He put his hand over his heart for effect, but the man held out his hand.

"You were doing something. Let me see it."

Leo tried to protest, but reluctantly handed over the small device he hand been tinkering with.

The man looked at it closely. "What the..."

Leo couldn't help but show off. "Watch," He demenstrated as he took back the device and threw it softly in the air. Once it hit the point of falling in started to spin so wildly two thin blades extracted from the side so that they were slicing through the air sideways. Instead of falling, it hovered for a moment, then started to lower slowly back into Leo's hand. He stuck his thumb at the side of one of the blades and it stopped.

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