Mapercy Sal Jackson the Third

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So, obviously Percy hasn't been doing enough things in this story yet, so I've got to put him in somewhere.

Tell me what you think in the comments!


ps. I update everyday, I just didn't publish it until this morning. Phew...


Percy woke up the next morning shivering. He'd had a horrible dream about Annabeth getting attacked by locusts.

Dreams were different now that he was here. Funny, since he would have thought that he would have worse now that they were on the ground, on foot. Right with Gaea. But no, these dreams not only haunted him at night but all through the night.

Percy sighed. He thought about Frank.

Percy shook. He should have never let Frank go. They'd only just found each other in the forest and Percy just let him wander off without him. If he hadn't let Frank go, then he'd still be alive right now, probably with them.

Percy pushed away the sad thoughts and sat up. It was the third day. He'd found three people so far - one of them was his girlfriend. Pretty good. He rubbed his neck and made a mental note: Bookshelves were not very ideal places to sleep against.

Percy leaned to check on his friends. They all slept so silently. Annabeth was laying on the floor above his head, fast asleep. Hazel was on the other side of the bookshelf with Nico. Percy could see them over the bookshlef when he stood - Hazel sleeping against the bookshelf, Nico curled up in a ball. How that kid slept like that, Percy didn't know. That guy could sleep anywhere.

Percy pulled out the phone number strip Annabeth had set down on the bookshelf.

He was sick of sitting and waiting. Percy stood and walked to the library phone.

He had planed this out last night. He was going to call Lesley, ask to come over, maybe change his identidy. That sounded fun - he'd do that. Bob? Doe? Jhon? Malone?

He shook his head. He'd just use his real name. It could be any Percy! Percy was a popular name, right?

Someone on the other line picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hi, is this Lesley?"

".... Yup."

Percy gulped. He didn't know what to say.

"Hey, um... its your friend, MaaaaaaPercy." He'd almost said Malone. he wacked himself in the head for being so stupid.

"Mapercy? What?"

"Uh, yeah! Your friend! Remember me from, like, kindergarten..."


"Oh, really, we were like, BFFs, remember?"

"I don't know you."

Percy gulped. "Sure you don't! Why don't you ask your brother, Charlie? Ask if he remembers a girl named Annabeth! Friends of your brother!"

A moment passed. Percy thought she had hung up on him when she said. "Yeah, he said he met her last night. Who are you?"

"I told you, I'm Mapercy."

"I don't think that's a name."

"What do you know? You're twelve. What do you say we meet up at your house today, say, an hour?"

"I still don't know who you are."

"But your brother does! So can I come?"

"I have school today."

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