Jason's Great Escape

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Hi, everyone!! Word up home dawgs! ;)

I always feel like I do these little messages too often, but I've had some good excuses. Like this one.

Here in this chapter you get to see me beat up Jason.

Were those fangirl screams I heard in the backround?

Thanks for reading + please comment,



Jason hesitated. He wouldn't be able to walk with his cast. But he had to get out of the hostpital. He felt so useless there, just sitting around knowing Piper might be in trouble. He had to do something, or his friends may never find him. Besides, he had a whole lot to talk about after seeing that movie. He needed to figer it all out and get back on track so that they could finish their quest and go home.

Jason sat up so that he was sitting on the side of his bed. He reached for the crutches the nurse had set up for him once they found a gardian of his. Jason had tried explaining that he didn't have any parents or gardians, and that he would be fine if they just let him go, but they were convinced on finding someone to pick him up. That's when he explained to them about his older sister, Thalia, but they couldn't seem to contact her, even after trying Thalia's emergency cell phone number.

That's when Jason went to his last resort - leaving himself.

He thought about leaving at night where no one would see him, but he was itching to go outside so badly he couldn't wait any longer. He had to go while he still had the chance - before any nurses walked in and tried to stop him. They would that what he was about to do was suiside.

But for him, it was only common sense, or at least as much common sense Jason could muster at this point. He had seen how far up his room was and knew it could be an easy lift, if he managed to do it without his cast getting stuck on anything, or getting in the way.

See, Jason was planning to make a run for it, or fly for it, outside the window.

For a regular mortal, that was definetly suside. He had counted up to nineteen flights up. Nothing could survive a fall like that without some sort of protection, or the ability to fly, like Jason. He could make it without being caught or hurt with a little bit of luck.

Using the crutches, he managed to get himself to the window. He looked down and saw the height. He looked at all the cars he could slam into if he didn't make it speeding down the highway. He gripped the crutches - he figered he was going to need them - and put his good leg out the window. He hit his head on the top. "Ouch..." He mutterd to himself. He looked at himself. Halfway there.

He pulled the crutches through so that he was holding them with the hand sticking out side. He steadied himself so that his head was on the right side and positioned his leg. All he had to do now was push...

"Oh my God!" A nurse cried behind him. Jason whirled around to face her - wrong move. He lost his balance and was sent tumbling over the edge towards a messy landing. He huged the crutches and closed his eyes, half begging for his mind to clear and let him fly to saftey, the other half waiting for impact.

Just his luck, his body jerked and he flew to the side into a tree.

"Ughh..." His leg ached from the window, his eyes stung from the wind, but he was alive. Mission Survive had succeded.

He smiled, had a laugh of acomplishment, patted himself on the back and almost laughed again when he saw the nurse looking for him outside the window. She shook her head in panick and dissapeared.

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