Lesley Yomath Strikes Again

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  • Dedicated to Me 'cause I want to

Hazel looked up. She brushed leaves and dead grass off her jeans. Nothing like spending a night in a graveyard, she told herself.

She shivered. The wind drew spikes through her back and dried out her eyes. She sqeezed them shut. Tears formed.

Oh, not this again, she thought as she fell to her knees.

She had cried herself to sleep that night. She had wanted to go find Percy and tell him everything that happened, but she was too afraid Lesley had been luring her into a trap. She didn't take the path the was directed towards. Only now did she see it as a mistake. Maybe Percy had left or gotten hurt just because she didn't show up when she was suppost to. Now her chances of finding her friends were lowered past the point.

She stood up. But maybe he was still there. Maybe she did have a chance. She started running down the street, wiping tears from her cheaks. She made herself a deal: She was going to find her friends and figer this all out. She was not going to bow down to fear and risk another night of losing a friend.

She had to keep moving.


What a movie, Jason gaped as he stared at the box. What a movie indeed.

Last night he had watched a movie called Percy Jackson. He thought it couldn't possibly be the same guy.

But he was proved wrong.

Now he was also sure that there were about a million changes in the film, taking in from his knowlage on Percy's quests and the fact Annabeth's hair was brown, so he wasn't ready to start believing everything in the movie. But the general idea of it had freaked Jason out.

Since when did Percy have a movie based off of him? Jason was sick of waiting for answers. It had been almost twelve hours since he watched it and was still shocked.

But what worried him more was the fact that everyone around him seemed panicked... something about a "Missing girl". When Jason asked the nurse about Piper, she hesitated and wouldn't answer. That worried Jason like nothing before. He wished Piper was there with him, holding his hand, talking to him. He felt like a chunk of his life had rotted out with the worry for Piper.

He sighed. He never seemed to get answers out of anything.

Just his luck.


Piper opened her eyes to face a young blond girl.

"Huh?" She tried to say, but the duct tape over her mouth made it sound like more of a, "Hmm?"

The girl smiled. "Hello, Piper."

Piper tried to ask who she was and how she knew her name, but she only got out muffled nonsense. She realised her hands were tied behind her back, too. She thrashed around, trying to pull out of the ropes. The girl made no effort to stop her.

"Don't try to escape. I can always track you down."

Piper stopped moving and looked into the girl's eyes. "Hmm! Hmm Hee-mm-"

"Quiet." The girl said. Piper shut up.

"My name is Lesley. You are probably confused and maybe even worried, yes?" The girl crossed her arms. Piper just stared at her.

Lesley, the girl, smirked. "Heh, getting you demigods are so easy. Like stealing candy from a baby." Lesley knelt down in front of Piper so that they were face-to-face.

"Yes, I know all about you, Piper McLean." Lesley seemed to answer all of Piper's questions, but no in the way she had hoped. "Yes. Your father is Tristan McLean. Your mother is Aphrodite. Your boyfriend is Jason Grace. You go to a summer camp known as Camp Half Blood. Yes, I know all about you, Piper."

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