Itsi Bitsi Spider

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Hey guys, its been a while since I made a Frank's point of view, so I'm getting on to that. He sure traveled around a bit, didn't he? But anyways, thanks for reading! I hope you like it!!

Thanks for reading,



"Hazel?" Frank was standing in a graveyard. Everything around him felt misty and awkward, not quite real. He called again: "Hazel?"

Hazel steped out of the fog, a blank expresion on her face. Frank wanted to run to her, he had been so worried about her after the fall. But his legs couldn't move.

Frank shuddered at the horribly empty look on Hazel's face - like she had no emotion, never had, never would. Almost like she was dead, except she was defenatly alive. She was staring straight at him.

She walked foreward, wind blowing her dark hair over her shoulders.

"Hazel...?" Frank wanted to cry. Why wasn't she responding?

Once she was about a yard away from him, she pulled out her knife.

Frank's eyes widened. "Hazel..."

She charged. At him.

Just as the tip reached his chest, above his heart, he was jolted awake.

It had just been a dream.

He sighed in relief and closed his eyes. Nothing like seeing your best friend/girlfriend try to kill you.

But demigod dreams should never be trusted by only the eye, he realised. Something Reyna had told him when he first arrived at Camp Jupiter.

He opened his eye to see he was in a dark room, only lit by the glowing creaks in the doors and window cutains. His arms were tied at the wrists behind his back. Duct tape was covering his mouth, keeping him from opening it.

Frank had been kidnapped.

Frank remembered seeing a girl before he passed out. He also remembered waking for a minute or so when the kidnapper said her name. Lesley. He'd have to remember that.

Frank tried to stand up, but his hands that were tied behind his back made it difficult. He managed to slide up the wall to get on his feet.

He tried pulling on the ropes, pushing the duct tape off with his toungh, but he was left with only discomfort and an itch to get outside.

That's when he saw the uneven door, a small crack underneath letting out light. Maybe....

That was it! He could turn into a mouse or bug, which would allow him out of his ropes like with the Chinese hand cuffs, and crawl under the door! Then all he'd have to do is sneak around whatever place he was at until he found the exit! Perfect!

He headed for the door to make his escape and change his shape, when he saw a list pasted to the door.








His name was crossed out.

Frank came to the conclusion: Somebody, perhaps a monster or Gaea or someone, wanted him and his friends. And they had already gotten one down.

When You Meet a Demigod (completed)(first story)Where stories live. Discover now