Chapter VIII: Pater vale

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Tiberius walked into the War room, his mother stood overlooking the map, alone. The room seemed rather erie, but Tiberius walked forth and removed his thorned helmet. "You summoned me mother"? "Yes, Damocles. I have a duty for you, one of our outpost were attacked and I received word from Mercy that a band of vikings have stolen our armor, and are planning on infiltrating one of our forts. I need you and A squadron of knights to go and sabotage their movement. They stole a caravan and are using it to transport their men. I have explosives and ignitions prepared already in the lower basement for you. Retrieve them and plunder these scum. Maybe if you do, Mother will give you a treat". She hummed rubbing his cheek, he grunted as he pulled his face away, examining the map as she was. " So where are they moving through"? Apollyon pointed near Mt.Ignis on the map, Tiberius nodded as he went for the door. Apollyon grabbing his shoulders before he could open it, " Be a good boy. And obey mother's orders. Or else".

Tiberius shoved her off, "I'm not your slave. Nor your toy. I'm a grown man, Father knows about what you did to me. And he will be on guard for you. I'm not your servant, I'm your child". Apollyon grabbed his throat and slammed him against the wall, her blade edging his throat. "You ARE my servant. You will be a great asset to me, and your legion. Isn't that what your father taught? To care and respect your soldiers and your leaders. I'm your leader, you respect me. But you should never disrespect your mother. Now, play like a good child. And do, what, I said". Tiberius growled lowly as he eyeballed her. She pressed the cold blade onto his adam's apple, " Obey, or you will get hurt Tiberius. I'm not afraid to beat you". Tiberius groaned as she disengaged, Apollyon pressed against her son, her eyes locking with his. " Good boy". She smiled as she walked out, he followed and went the opposite direction. Passing Sophia along the way.

"Tiberius how are you? Love, what is wrong"? He sighed as he hugged her, trying to relieve stress from himself by knowing she's here. " Just, Duties. I'm a tad stressed and aggravated. I'll be gone for a few hours, I have to kill barbarians. I love you Sophia, be careful and go to Father or Alden if you need something or protection". He smiled down as he brushed her silky hair, " I love you too, I'll be safe. But you need to be extra careful. I will drag you from the depths of hell or the heights of Heaven if you die out there, got it"? She threatened tapping his chest, he chuckled at her taunt. " Yes Sophia, I'll be sure to say hi to God for you". She yanked his beard and stared him down her eyes now level with his, " I mean it. I'll rip you from paradise in minutes". " You are my Paradise". She rolled her eyes as she pecked his lips, " Yeah Yeah".

He slapped her ass as she walked to her nurses quarters, he going to meet his brothers and sisters downstairs. The warden was greeted by two conquerors, a warden and a lawbringer as he opened the stairwell, " You all are aware of our mission"? " Aye, Yes, Yeah". They all agreed grabbing the supply pouches and readying. " Alright, let's head out, we need to be there by mid day. I will not let these beast insult our legion like this". Tiberius ordered as he too grabbed the supplies. They marched out to the horse barn and saddled up, " Hm. Alright, ride on". Tiberius and the squad galloped on to Mt.Ignis awaiting the caravan. " There Damocles. They are approaching". Tiberius peered over the female knight, " Perfect arrival, Ready explosives and aim for the wheels, we need to disable it then slaughter the bastards".

The road lessened as the enemy approached, then destruction. " Fire"! The vehicle tumbled as the escorts rushed forward, blades hungry for battle. The Blackstone knights jumped out from cover and attacked the viking, another explosion went off, the caravan exploded, shrapnel and fire everywhere. Tiberius clashed blades with another warden, " YOU BETRAY YOUR OWN MOTHER DAMOCLES?! TO HELL WITH YOU"! Tiberius growled as he pressed his blade down, slashing the warden's shoulder then bashing him away. He recovered from the hit and swung a zone, Tiberius caught the sword with his wrist and thrusted his sword into his gut, shoving it deeper as he pushed the man off running over to the main carriage.

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