Chapter X: Escape part II

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Tiberius was worried about the risk he was taking, it was for his wife though, he wasn't worried about himself. His arms still blazed in agony, but he'd need to bare the pain for them. About thirty minutes earlier they were still in the castle, now, they've almost reached the gate. "Tiberius, how are you friend"? Sophia jumped behind her lover as he pointed his sword to the voice, "Alden ". The two hugged momentarily, "I, I'm sorry". "For brother"? Tiberius looked to his followers, then back to his childhood friend. "Alden , I'm leaving.. I, my mother is causing a reign of terror and she plans to bring it to the world. I, she's a risk to my life, and my families". Alden , removing his helmet, smiled to the other. Tiberius felt guilt, "Relax friend, I understand you're doing a good thing, especially for her. But, you see, you said 'family'. But your family includes me, so I'm coming along". Tiberius lit up with happiness, but kept to himself. "Are you sure, you have a job here". "Aye, but... I've been doubting this place a little, especially with yesterday's skirmish. We were sent on a hunt after this escaping caravan of vikings, told they were stealing equipment. We had grenades and horses, and chased them down. We found it, blew it to shit, turned out to be a family caravan. A traveling pack, they were norse background but they weren't running from us. They were merchants and had mercenaries hired against them. Story short, we killed innocent people and just rolled it off our backs, so... Fuck this place".

"I, alright, I suppose if you're willing. It's good to have you brother". Alden smiled then punched Tiberius, his face swelled with rage as he huffed. "Hmmmmmm helllll". "Oh sorry brother, didn't know I was that strong". "You're not, I just have injuries". Alden ohhed as he waved to the females as he returned his helmet to his head, "So where we adventuring to"? They began to walk and make way to the gate, Tiberius explaining the plan to his bud, "And don't worry, there's plenty of food there". Nodding Alden rubbed his gut, Tiberius rolling his eyes. "Halt"! A Lawbringer walked out with an Officer, "Tiberius, Alden. Ladies. Where are you going at this time"? Tiberius stepped forward, "Family Business. Step aside". The Lawbringer guarded the gateway, "Apollyon's business, is my business". The officer leant over, " But we could let you pass, if only we could take a moment with the girl". Tiberius unsheathed his sword, the officer drew his too, but Tiberius knocked it away pressing the sword to his throat. Alden wrapped his flail around the Law's polearm, pulling away as he pressed his shield to his chest holding him to the wall. "Open the gate, or you die. And no one touches the girls". The Lawbringer looked to his teammate, they nodded. "Garett, open the gate". The gate opened, passage now available to them. "Alden, now". Tiberius jumped at the officer slicing at his head, Alden bashed the Lawbringers helm then twirled his flail around his neck, strangling the man as he struggled. Tiberius, fighting over power, finally managed to overtake the officer and bash his hilt into his neck, yanking back out. "Alright.. Let's go, Sophia". The girls exited and the knights followed behind watching their exit. Now into the commonwealth to get Horses. The commons of the castle wasn't too crowded, the village had plenty of room with its construction, and the marketplace was well varied. The horse stables were decent surprisingly, Tiberius didn't have his own steed but his mother did. "Hmm, I have an Idea". He entered the stables main room and knocked against the table, "AYE, I'm coming". "Hmm, he seems ticked". Groaned Arden, Tiberius scoffed, "He's always ticked". A scruffy man about mid-age, sideburns, walked through a side door and sighed. "What ya need sweetheart"? "Don't call me that, I'm Tiberius, Son of Apollyon. I need her horse, she plans on heading to the edge of Ashfeld for a quest". The man held his chin and hummed, his eyes looking and dancing at the ceiling as if he was chasing a fly. He then waved the group to follow as he rushed through a back door, "Hmm. That was easy. Sweet".

The nurse tapped Tiberius and hunched slightly, "These men are kinda odd and scary.. Why are the knights here so cruel"? Tiberius sighed, lifting his visor he looked into her eyes. "Listen, this place isn't a good place, the citizens aren't bad, but the knights can be debatable. We're leaving, and going to a safer place, but here will be Iron Legion troops, they are more trustworthy and duty bound. I and my brother Alden will ensure our trip there goes well, I can promise you, we'll be safe". Tiberius then looked at her, mainly her facial features and body, "How old are you"? She raised a brow, "I'm 16". His face froze in a slightly shocked state, then he 'hhmph' turning around. "Alright horseman, where's my steed"? "Here, but I need you to tell Apollyon something. Her horse is pregnant". "Okay, give me the horse". The man transferred ownership to the knight, the horse was a paled yellow, her mane shined more but she was a sight. Her saddle was simple, brown, her barings and straps though had iron and spikes. "Hmm, I need another as well, Here take 50 coin for your best riders". Snatching the money he hurried to and back with another horse, this one browned, his mane sleek black. A similar brown saddle.

"Alright, Ladies, Alden the young one is with you. Guard her like a princess in a folk tale". "Ah, so where's my shining armor"? "Up yer ass". They shared a laugh as they helped the woman on the rides, "Sit sideways Abigail, that's how you're supposed to sit on a horse". "Thanks Alden..". "Alright, I'll pack the stuff". Sighed Tiberius as he attached satchels and cases, loading them. "Okay, Alden remember where Estuans pit is"? "Yeah". They rode off, leaving for the gates. "There's a Castle keep directly east of that, there's our destination". Onward they rode, cloaking themselves under the cover of night. Tiberius worried, but had to look forward, to the day next to arrive. 

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