Chapter XVI: Damocles

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This was it, this was the fight for peace. The fight for the Blackstone Keep. My fight, for my brother. We have marched, with the Samurai, to the front door of Apollyon. To the north, Mt.Ignis. To the East of the Keep was the kingdom, and further off was my home. But what is most important is ahead, is in the castle. Tiberius.

“Further brothers. Almost there. Get the catapults ready, Holden. You’re head of demolitions, reign hell over the bastards. You ready Bellona”? “Aye Anheuser, your Legion may charge when ready. The Daimyo are right with you”. The dark knight smiled and drew his sword. “Brothers, clad in Iron and bound one with Honor. Today is our day, to free the lands of home of the plagued Blackstone legion. Today, we fight and die with dignity, honor, glory, and grace of Maria and the Lord. For our homes! Our brothers, our sisters! Our Family! Today we charge”! They all saluted and ran forth. Alden had been in front with Anheuser, his brother and some samurai. The barrage began and the battle raged. The legion stood tall, blades ready as the foe marched on. Apollyon smiled, “See my son. This is everything we fought for. War. Now Damocles, go quench your thirst, go draw me gallons of blood”. Damocles drew and walked to the front of the defense. He turned and nodded to the soldiers, “It’s time to die. For the Legion. For Apollyon. For war”. The gates opened, the shuffling of iron and steel, chain and leather filled the air, soon. The clash of thunder would ignite and the soil will be richened. “Time. Sophia, in due time we’ll meet. I miss you my dear. I love you”. Damocles looked through his visor, he readied and charged. The legion followed and the hell roared, man and sword, blood and shield, voice and strength. All to be tested today, all to be lost today. The fight raged, Damocles had cut bodies, severed limbs and heads alike, beaten foes to pulps.

During the battle Tiberius couldn’t help but remember his beloved’s grave, it drove his rage, his might. Apollyon had let him visit her grave once before returning him to the dungeon, with the help of Ira, he was able to say his goodbyes. It was raining, it rained for weeks. This was his last time as himself, for after his visit the torture would become longer. More intense, more memorable. Apollyon had Ira and Holden watch him, eying to keep him there. He just stood there over the grave, his heart fell bit by bit with the rain. “Sophia.. I am, truly sorry. I promised to protect you but, obviously I failed.. Mother tells me it was because I was weak, that if I don’t become strong I’ll lose more of my kin.. But, truly you were all I had.. Ira, Ira has been better. She’s had a ‘dream’ apparently and she’s changed. It seems that she has had some turn around but.. I wouldn’t know for sure.. I just.. I don’t know what I’m to look forth to. You brought my joy, you gave me support, especially with father.. But I don’t know how to live on. I don’t know what to do without your aid”! He fell to his knees and hugged the stone. The rain slapped harder onto his armor, mud gathered at his feet, He couldn’t hear his wales over the thunder and downpour, all he that overtook him was the lost voice of Sophia. Her laughter, her voice, her sweetness. Even the fights they had he rejoiced in, however it was all the more painful. He wished he could hug her, kiss her. Feel her warmth one last time, he’d hold and fight for her but she’d be taken away. He knew that. “I miss you.. All around people say I should move on, that I should respect that God has given your clock a final tick.. But, you. You were so young, you had so much to live for. Only twenty-one, you barely were out of your teen years. You didn’t deserve death.. But, I can’t change that. I’ll miss you”. His heart sank softly to the pit that was his chest, he felt alone. The storm brewed on, as did his tears. His mind returned to the battle, his new self denying the sorrow, denying the weakness to grow. He had to be strong, that’s the only way he’ll survive to see her again.   

The rest of his men had fallen, Damocles stood tall. Corpses surrounding, more of the army coming. He pulled his sword out of the knight and stared out. Even with his morality, he knew he couldn’t take on another wave. The soldiers stopped, shield up and swords aimed. “Blackstone dog. You’re the spawn of hers, the demon. Damocles”. Anheuser prepared for battle, Damocles lazily stood ready. “Wait, Tiberius”? A voice rang, a conqueror rushed forth. “Tiberius”.

“You know this beast”? “No, no beast. His name is Tiberius, he’s my brother. Stow your blade let me talk to him”. Alden stepped up and dropped his flail, his shield. “Tiberius, it’s Alden. You know, sandwiches”? The man just stood, “Tiberius. Listen it’s me Al-”. “NO. No Tiberius, I am Damocles. Tiberius died. He was weak, he was blind”. Alden got closer, not afraid of his brother even with sword at point. “Listen to yourself. Tiberius, Damocles is the name your mother gave you. You’re Tiberius, born of the Tiber. Child of Marcus, lover to Sophia”. “Don’t mention her name. She’s a lie, Sophia is a lie”! The knight lowered his stance, seeming to give in to the argument. “No She’s not! You’d never speak ill of her. Tiberius you loved her! I know your heart still beats for her! Don’t listen to your mother, Listen to me! Listen to your Heart! YOUR heart Tiberius”. Tiberius leant forward and yelled, “shut up! You don’t know, you don’t understand! Sophia’s dead! She’s.. I.. I loved her.. But I’m the reason she’s gone so I am to rot and serve, to.. To…”. “Tiberius, look at me”, Alden shouted throwing his helmet down, “remove your mask, your crown. You’re not a monster, like Sophia said before she went”. ‘Monster..’. That word echoed to Tiberius, it seemed to be all he could think of. ‘Monster’. ‘I love you..Tiberius..remember that you, are not a monster..It’s not your fault.. Always and Forever, I Tiberius. I love you’. Her words stabbed at his heart, breaking the chains that held and bound it. “Sophia..”. Tiberius removed his helmet and let it fall, Alden cringed at his old friend. His face was stitched in places, his eye was bloodied. But his chin and neck were singed, wrinkled. He had been burned by something. “Dear god brother.. What did she do to you..”. Before he could talk a group of Blackstone wardens ran out and were aiming for Tiberius. He readied his sword and dodged by one’s running strike and tripped him, swinging under the blade of the next stabbing through his chest. Tiberius was slashed across his back and punched back. He grabbed the oncoming slash and throw the warden to the wall sidestepping the others attack which hit his ally. Before impaling the knight Tiberius thrusted forth into his lower abdomen and flung him off. He turned to be punched down and the attacking knight went to thrust down, but Tiberius rolled and kicked his knees. Whilst stumbling Tiberius shoved his sword through his neck and sliced out. He won that fight, and turned smiling at Alden. “Old friend”.

Before anyone could move, a sword pierced Tiberius through his back. Alden yelled as he tried to charge but was held back by a knight. “TIBERIUS”! Apollyon pulled her sword out and began to walk away, “You were destined for greatness. But you turned weak like him. I’m disappointed Tiberius. You failed your mother”. And with that she walked off as soldiers took her place. The Iron warriors ran forth as Alden grabbed his friend and held him close. “No, No no Doctor! Doctor someone”! “Shhh, Alden. I’m too far gone, besides. It’s alright.. Honestly.. I’m just glad to know you came back for me.. How’s, Abigail”? “She’s fine brother. Her and I plan to marry and settle. I just wish you’d be there to see it.. She’s grown more. We’re brothers, we have each others back, I know if I got caught up in some nord hold you’d march through to free me”. Tiberius smiled as blood filled his teeth, “heh, yeah you know me well. Thank you Alden, you’re the greatest friend a man could want at his side.. Take care of Abigail, and. And I hope you prosper and enjoy life..”.
Alden nodded and smiled with Tiberius, they joined hands and chuckled. “Brothers, to the end..”, Tiberius’ face lifted as he lied back, “I.. I see her..”. Alden grinned with rejoice, knowing his friend would be happy once more. “Go to her Tiberius”. His smile froze, and his skin paled more as he rested. Alden sniffled and closed the eyes of the dead.

Years would pass, Alden and Abigail would spawn three children and live highly. Ira would visit her brother’s grave, and read to him. She’d wish him well and kiss the two lover’s stones, smiling and waiting till the next week to visit once more. Tiberius had been buried next to Sophia, and their stones made one. “Tiberius Veronis the Last Roman of Ashfeld, and his Fair Sophia Veronis, Maiden of Health”. Ira gave up her title as a knight and dedicated herself to medicine and teaching children. Her work mainly resided in orphanages, here she’d be happy. She lived across from Alden and had raised of son of her own, but there was no father. His father had died the years prior, his roman blood though, was strong in the boy. Ira just missed her brother, and like when he was imprisoned, wanted to change things and make it up to him. That’s why she dedicates herself to love and care, instead of hate and killing.  The families would comune and feast together and prosper. Not just for themselves but for their dead. Alden kept his brother’s sword and mounted it on the wall, “In memoria”. It read under. Alden would teach his children, both of love and war, and knowledge and fighting. But, above in the clouds, in the divines above.

A man, his daughter child, and his wife would folock and bask in love. He was happy once more, and this time, he’d never let go.

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