Chapter XIII: Mors causat odium, vindicta ex odio cordis

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The fort was under siege, the Blackstone legion infantry had already broken through the defenses, now it was all down to the inside defenses. Tiberius and Alden were defending their women as they ran through the castle, Tiberius knew why the Blackstone were there: Mother had found her child.

“Alden, here”! Yelled Tiberius as he pushed open an old door, “It’s a passageway...But where does it lead..”? Alden shoved him forward, “Does it matter, anywhere but here works”. They took the stairwell, it lead to dining room, still littered with food. Voices and chaos sounded nearby, the Blackstones were making way through the castle, butchering all who opposed. Someone yelled “Find him”! Another, “She wants him alive”. Tiberius felt guilt, all these people, knights and commons the same were dying because he ran like a child. Alden rushed the women down the stairs as Tiberius followed, then the nearby doors broke open, comotion with it. Knights were spilling onto the room, citizens ran by finding exits. “It’s Tiberius, Sir we found him”! The Blackstone knights then began to incapacitate the Iron warriors, sparing them as they surrounded the four runaways. The two knights guarded the women as they ushered them to a safe corner, “Stay here..Sophia, Take my fathers blade, it’s on my hip”. She did as he said, taking it and protecting herself and Abigail. The knights then charged each other, ready to die. Tiberius dodged under a hammer, then cut the knights leg. Alden then smashed his flail across his face as he ran by.

Tiberius parried one attack, bringing his opponent’s sword away, then threw him into the strike of another. He impaled the two, ripping his blade out to dodge another, kicking the attacker towards Alden. The conqueror bashed his shield into their face, watching them tumble. Quickly he dodged a vertical strike from a pole axe, wrapping his flail around the weapon and yanking at his opponent, pulling them forward as he bashed them away, Tiberius thrusting through their back. Once he pulled out, Tiberius locked blades with another warden, they exchanged swings, then the warden kicked Tiberius’ shin causing him to fall to one knee. The warden then swung but Alden caught his arm, pulling back with his flail. He then ripped his arm back as he beat his shield into his helm, putting the warden down. A peacekeeper the ran at Alden trying to strike his exposed back, but Tiberius got up and shoulder tackled them, falling down with them. The Pk tried to get up but Tiberius backhanded her and stood to successfully stomp on her throat. The brothers then regrouped and stood in guard as the enemies surrounded them. A voice called, “Tiberius”. Hearing sent shivers down his spine, and worry in his head. Apollyon walked up, her sword to her shoulder. “There you are. Good to see you can still fight”, she then waved her hand back. Two knights came forward, Mercy followed in between with Sophia. Tiberius stepped forward and growled lowly as he did, his eyes locked onto his mother.

“Let. Her. Go. I swear to you if you hurt her”. Mercy passed Sophia to Apollyon, giving her the dagger. “Tiberius, you are my child, born into this legion, yet you try to run away from your destiny”. She took the dagger and ran the flat along Sophia’s face, “ Such a shame, you try to run to protect those you love, but all you did was kill them”. Apollyon stabbed Sophia in her side, the blade piercing her internal organs. Tiberius ran forward but was held back by the two knights before him. Apollyon pulled out the weapon, giving back to Mercy as she dropped Sophia’s body. “Let him go”. As they did he slid forth and held to her body, placing her in his lap. “Sophia, Sophia”! She lifted his visor and smiled at him, his eyes teared seeing her in pain. “Sophia, stay with me.. Sophia.. Sophia please! PLEASE STAY WITH ME”! She took his hand and he held onto hers roughly, “I love you..Tiberius..remember that you, are not a monster..It’s not your fault.. Always and Forever, I Tiberius. I love you”. She blew him a kiss before her head laid itself in his chest. “Sophia.. Sophia don’t go, don’t go.. No no no no no, please.. Please..please, Sophia.. ..SOPHIA”! His voice quivered and croaked as she drifted away. “Sophia..”. He whispered as he trembled. All eyes were on him, even his enemies. Apollyon just stood there, her emotions showed nothing to her crying son, only shame. Alden stood behind him, “Tiberius..we need to go..”. Tiberius lifted his head to Alden. “Old friend… how do you expect me to leave her here…”?

“Enough of this pity and emotion, it just shows the predators who the prey is. Michael, Berninand, get him”. Tiberius looked to his mother, her soldiers approaching. “Alden..Take her please, bury her in Richard’s Cathedral..please”. Alden took her body with gentility and care, and nodded to his friend. “For you Tiberius, I will”. Tiberius took his sword and guarded his friend as he backed into a doorway, “Protect Abigail.. Get her somewhere safe”. The two knights rushed forward and the swung, catching Tiberius off guard. He managed to parry the attacks but they pressed down, pushing Tiberius into the wall. He started to pull their blades away, then he bashed the right one away as he threw the other to the side. After that he sliced the others gut and turned impaling his sword deep into knight’s lower abodemen. More charged at him, he threw the body at one slowing her, then slashed one as he dodged by his diagonal swing, using the momentum to swing again at a warden behind him. She blocked but the strength behind the hit caused her to stagger, then he swung back horizontally. She blocked it but was caught by the following punch, with her daze Tiberius then sliced her head off with a spinning decapitation. He then charged for Apollyon. He did a running lunge which she blocked, Then followed with a side slash. She backstepped from it as he grew more raged, his blood boiling.  He then threw a vertical swing, which Apollyon parried, “Sloppy, you’re letting your anger fill and blind your focus”, He then swung again, repeatedly as the anger took control. She parried and grabbed his arm throwing him to the side. “Come on Tiberius, your Father taught you better than that”. He then ran forth, swinging diagonally, Apollyon dodged it and slashed at his back, to this he turned and swung with a murder-stroke.

He barely missed the bash as she recovered. Tiberius ran at her instantly, she swung an undercut. He parried it still in murder-stroke, then pulled her weapon down thrusting his pommel into her torso. After the hit he went for and uppercut which only scratched Apollyon’s helm, she then dodged back as he thrusted towards her, aiming for the open spots in her plating. He thrusted once more but Apollyon swung down, forcing his sword down, she then shoulder bashed him away. Tiberius had lost grip of his sword and fell back, Apollyon stood above him and pointed her sword to his face. “You’re beat”. “Et tu erras”! He kicked her leg and she collapsed to a knee and thrusted down at him. He rolled to the side after the kick and stumbled up. He stood ready his fist raised, “Come on. Fight me. Or are you too scared to embarrass yourself in front of your legion”! Apollyon laughed as she stabbed her sword down, her fist matching his. “Come, let’s see what Marcus taught you”. With anger he rushed forward and swung right, she leaned back away and jabbed him in the gut then swung left. He groaned from her jab but ducked under her swing and grabbed her arm, twirling her momentarially to throw her into a wall. She stumbled against the wall and turned to him. In a heartbeat he swung a heavy punch but Apollyon crouched and grabbed his head slamming him into the stone. He pushed her off and threw a random backhand behind hoping to hit, unluckily she dodged and decked him square in the nose. Blood escaped and drewled down his nose and mouth. In a final desperation, he swung hoping for her to avoid it. He missed as he hoped and then gut punched her, following with a side jab. Again he swung right, but she took his arm and used his momentum to throw him to the ground. “Stay down Child”. She pressed her foot to his neck, and Mercy stepped over placing her swords towards him.

“You’re coming home Tiberius. Mother missed you”.

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