I - showdown.

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her high heels tapped against the floor in a steady pattern. the night was cold, and perhaps choosing a warmer attire would've been a better idea. but she didn't exactly mind the cold.

as promised, he was waiting for her, his back turned as he looked over both sides of the alley, possibly trying to make sure he wasn't seen.

"took you look enough," he sounded impatient, earning a chuckle from the girl.

"where's the money?" she asked, stopping just a few steps away from him. her eyes travelled up and down his disheveled figure. it must suck to be this addicted to drugs.

"i don't have it right now," he fumbled with the zipper of the bag he was carrying. showing her the inside, she could tell half of what he owed her must've been there.

"now now, what's this? the tenth time i've gone easy on you?" she tsked him, closing the space between the two. tapping her finger under his chin, she lifted the man's face. "wren."

"i promise you'll have it by next week, i just really need it," he shook under her touch, nervous for more reasons than he could probably count. the lack of heroin, the fact that he owed this woman, and who this woman was. "honey, please."

eyeing him up and down, nara shook her head. "no, i told you last time, either you paid everything you owed and the equivalent of your next delivery or i wouldn't be doing any more deals with you."

this turned him desperate. he frantically ran his fingers over his red locks, his green irises focusing on hers. she could make out the bags under his eyes as he dropped to his knees. "please, just one more time."

"always one more time," she rolled her eyes, lifting up her skirt slightly on the side. the man's eyes widened as she pulled out a gun from the holster and pressed the tip against his temple.

"p-please, no, i p-promise i--" but it was too late for excuses once the trigger had been pulled.

chucking her gun in the air, she held it over her shoulder as she watched his body fall to the ground, pouting as she realized some of his blood was now coating the tip of her expensive boot. leaning down, she grabbed the bag of cash from him and put it over her shoulder.

before she could turn around and make her leave though, she heards steps and slow claps coming her way. her body instantly turned around, unlocking her gun and pointing it at whoever had dared to cross her path that day.

"impressive," a manly, deep voice spoke from under the shadows. his arms lifted up in mock surrender, which only made her hold her finger closer to the trigger.

"rm," she spat his name as soon as his figure came from the shadows. his body slowly moved towards her, until the tip of her gun was pressed tightly against his chest, just over his heart.

"honey," he breathed out her name in a greeting manner. "how can someone with a name so sweet, be the epitome of sour?"

this earned a chuckle from the girl, the gun only burrying further into his chest. "venom runs in my blood, i thought you knew?"

"way too well," he eyed her features up and down, his tongue dragging over his lips.

they had never seen each other in person, not really. only through pictures and hardly anything else, his sources being few and limited, her sources being mostly untrustworthy. and that's exactly why the both of them were feared throughout town, because they kept a low profile like no other, which made them unpredictable. but up until now, everything they knew about each other seemed to be correct.

even to the point where they knew they would be deadly attracted to each other.

the tip of her gun ran from his chest to his neck. "this is our side of town, you have no business here."

"and it seems that if you keep this pace, you won't have any business here either," he retorted.

"i don't mind dropping two bodies in one night," she warned, her gun now grazing his adam's apple.

"go ahead then, princess peach," he smirked. "but just know you'll drop right after."

as if on cue, she heard the sound of multiple guns being unlocked. rolling her eyes, she let out a humorless laugh. "did you seriously bring back up to spy on a girl?"

"not just any girl, apparently," she didn't lower her gun as the other people walked closer to her. "it seems that i'm talking to the queen herself, though she must not be much of a queen, if she doesn't have backup herself."

lifting her free hand, she snapped her finger. two beams of red light reflected on his white shirt, the girl's lips twisting into a grin. "touch me and not only you but all of your boys drop like flies."

"snipers," he nodded his head, chuckling. "impressing me yet again."

the two stared at each other, mentally challenging each other to crack first. much to everyone's surprise, namjoon was the first to lift his hand, the other shadows around her disappearing once more.

she slowly lowered her gun, making sure to trace every single inch of the way down to his abs with it.

"don't come around here again," she warned him.

"and why not? i loved seeing you in action."

"next time, i'll make sure you don't see shit ever  again," she threatened, stuffing her gun back in the holster. "consider this your last warning."

and without another word, the two of them parted ways.

safe to say, it wasn't the last time they'd be seeing each other.


author's note

here it is!! FINALLY! i've been waiting for like a month to post this story, which so far has been amazing to write (look @ me trying my hand at something that isn't 100% cheesy and sappy)

anyway, this was more like an introduction than anything. you got to know a bit about how nara works, and also a bit about namjoon. the other characters will be gradually introduced throughout the story (especially nara's gang)

also, i did a thing with the girl's names. and i mean their names, not their code names. wanna try and figure it out what it is? ;) (hint: read their names from oldest to youngest - their ages are the same as jisoo, jennie, rosé and lisa. it might help to write them down on a list too.)

idk im lame.

also wtf i was so not informed by yg that ddu du ddu du would be AMAZING for this scene/story but there u go. true queens.

anywaY i hope you enjoyed this. let me know if you did! the next chapter will be out in a few days. or tomorrow. who knows. we love an inconsistent updating queen.

much love x

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