XVI - opposites.

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nara sat down on the bed in front of their scrutinizing gazes. all of the girls had their arms crossed over their chests, a questioning look on their features.

"so... i'll address the elephant in the room," inna began. "how the heck did rm end up sleeping in our living room couch?"

nara took a deep breath as she rubbed the side of her neck. "it's a long story..."

as if on cue, all of them sat on the edge of the bed, their eyes urging her to tell it.

sighing, nara ran her hand through her honey locks. "we were ambushed when we went to pick up the money, and he got shot."

their expressions turned into ones of pure terror. then, the question bombarding began.

"what do you mean you got ambushed?"

"where was he shot? and who shot him?"

"are you okay? did they touch you?"

"did you bring him here so you could take care of him? how very romantic of you!"

"did i feed the cat?"

nara shook her head, waving her hands in the air as she motioned for them to stop asking everything at the same time.

"when we got to the place we had set up the meeting in, we were met with five guys who said they worked for the owner, but then confessed they were going to ditch him and keep the money to themselves, and for that they had to kill us," nara explained.

"anyway, i put up a little show and managed to convince them i was on their side. that was before i obviously killed them all," she shrugged. "but not before one of them shot rm on the shoulder. well, if i'm being honest, he shot me but rm got in the way."

"you mean... he literally took a bullet for you?" kia asked, her hand over her heart as she squealed lightly. "that's so romantic!"

"stop it, and lower your voice he's still in the living room," nara sent her a death stare, and yet she couldn't keep the blush from appearing on her cheeks. "it's nothing like that. he just has a hero complex or something."

"he did save you though, nara," pami reasoned. "maybe he does care enough."

"that's not the point of this whole thing," she shook her head. "we were ambushed. and although i still took the money, i believe a chat with the owner is needed."

"backtrack a bit," inna lifted her index finger. "so... you brough rm here so you could patch him up and he ended up sleeping over? what else did you two do?"

"inna, focus!" nara gasped, hitting the girl on the shoulder.

"fine, fine, ouch," she lifted her hands up in mock surrender. "alright, you want to speak to the owner. let's do it."

"pami, would you be able to set up a meeting? with everyone this time, i don't think it'd be wise if it's just two people considering what happened," the eldest gave her a short nod at her request, disappearing back into her room.

nara stood up, fixing her hair for a moment before she turned to the other two, who were still staring at her. "what?"

"nothing," kia shrugged. "i just think it's odd, what you did for him. you normally wouldn't care."

"plus, considering the fact you keep saying how much you loathe him and his ways..." inna trailed off.

"i don't know what you're trying to get at, but don't go there," nara scoffed, putting on a jacket over her t-shirt. "anyway, breakfast time, i'm starving."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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