XII - business.

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the girls knew they were late, but in their world, there was such a thing as being fashionably late. plus, nara kind of liked the idea of keeping them waiting for a bit.

it was almost a sense of power and superiority; knowing that they were waiting for the four girls. nara licked over her lips, her hands pushing open the metal doors leading to the abandoned warehouse.

as expected, the seven men sat around the table, leaving only four chairs for them to sit. nara could feel his eyes on her the whole time, her feeling only being confirmed as she pulled the chair and sat down right in front of him.

"we're sorry we're late," she spoke, a hint of a smirk on her lips. "we had a few things to take care of before coming here."

"no problem," namjoon was the first to speak up, his thumb running over his bottom lip. "and i guess introductions are in order?"

nara gave him a small nod before she turned her body slightly to point at the three other girls. "these are rogue, saint and venus."

a light chuckle was heard from one of the other males. "nice names," he commented, his red hair being flipped slightly as he spoke, a smile on his lips.

"and that's j-hope," he pointed to the male who had just spoken. "and then v, suga, jimin, jin and jungkook," he pointed to each boy respectively. "and i'm rm."

nara raised her eyebrows. "so, some of you have code names and some don't?"

"some of us don't really need to hide themselves," rm shrugged. "there's nothing left to hide, anyway."

nara thought his words to be cryptic, but she let it slide. instead, she folded her hands over the table, her eyes once again meeting the other leader's. "so, it's time we talk business."

"right," namjoon agreed, his eyes never leaving nara's as he spoke. "jin, go ahead."

the broad shouldered male stood up and stepped into the light, a file in his hands which he slid over the table towards the girls. "this is what we'll be offering. considering our profits will be less than yours, our supply will also be less. however, we are willing to take care of the transport."

nara passed the file on to pami, who quickly examined it before speaking. "and how will this transportation be provided?"

"that's j-hope's territory," seokjin pointed to the younger male, who lifted his hand.

"i used to do street racing. believe me, there's no one better behind a wheel than i am. especially if there's the need to speed up," he winked at the girls, making pami roll her eyes.

"and we're supposed to trust this? i want reassurance, because we're putting a lot of our money into this only to trust it to a stranger," nara spoke, turning to pami slightly. "and besides, this would probably require a fast enough means of transportation."

"i'm the best at what i do," hoseok added as his face suddenly turned serious. "and i'm more than willing to prove it."

nara tapped her finger against her chin. looking at the other girls, she waited for each of them to nod their heads. truth was, neither of them were skilled enough with cars, and they had never had to deal so much drugs at once. this was the only viable option.

"alright, you can take care of the transport, the first delivery is tomorrow," nara agreed with a single nod. "however, i'd like to be present when the money is being collected."

namjoon let out a short laugh. "i wouldn't expect any less from you."

nara narrowed her eyes at him, the male simply challenging her by keeping his gaze on hers. with them, it always felt like this, a game of dominance and they never knew who would win, as neither of them wanted to give in. but that's what made them get to where they were in the first place.

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