XI - leap.

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taehyung parked where nara told him to. he arched his eyebrows as the girl quickly jumped off the vehicle, immediately lowering the window and calling out to her.

"hey, are you sure you live here?" he looked around, as they were right in the middle of the city. no one involved in illegal business would be able to live in such an exposed area, it would almost certainly mean they would get caught.

nara stopped in her tracks, turning around slightly. "i'm not stupid enough to live here, but i'm also not stupid enough to lead you to where i live."

yoongi joined in, his nose scrunching up slightly. "well, you know where we live."

"that was your mistake, not mine," she shrugged, waving goodbye with her fingers as she happily strolled down the busy street.

"thanks for the ride!" she called out over her shoulder.

taehyung and yoongi looked at each other. they didn't need to say much else, as taehyung simply stepped on the pedal and the two decided to follow her. namjoon would think they were both stupid if they didn't.

however, nara knew what she was in for. she knew they'd want to follow her, and she knew exactly just how not to let it happen. she walked a bit quicker, taking a turn into another street as she quickened her pace to a jog.

it was times like these that made her realize just how thankful she was for keeping in shape. she hated to work out, but with the kind of life she lead, she needed it.

the streets started to get increasingly less busy as she moved through them and towards her place. however, one car didn't seem to want to lose track of her, and she knew she had to take the next step, even if it was physically demanding to her.

taking one last turn, she finally found the abandoned building which could be her escape. it was the same one she used every time someone would follow her, and not once had it failed to hide her from curious or threatening eyes. grabbing a hair tie from her wrist, she tied her hair up in a ponytail and rolled up her sleeves slightly.

because the building was old and damaged, with holes in its walls and less than steady floors, she had to move carefully as she climbed up the fire escape stairs. however, she was used to it, and her feet were too quick to be followed. she heard the car being parked, the doors opening as the two men stepped outside to follow her.

even though they believed she wasn't aware of their presence, she was. and as she finally reached the seventh floor, cleaning her hands against the shorts she was wearing, she looked around the old room before her eyes landed on exactly what she needed. her escape.

the huge hole on the wall seemed less and less inviting every time she went there. nevertheless, she needed to jump. taking a deep breath, she quickly ran towards it, jumping out of the building.

the roof of the next building, which was a couple of floors smaller, was there to catch her. she rolled on her side, wincing as she stood up, knowing it would be leaving marks. but she didn't care, not as long as she knew they couldn't possibly follow her now.

surely enough, in the matter of a few seconds both of the men were looking out through the hole in the old building. nara smirked, watching as their eyes went wide at the distance between the two buildings. what they didn't know, however, was that she could escape down the stairs once again, and this time they would lead her to a road a lot further away from where their car was. and now, she had successfully lost them.

in the matter of minutes, she was going down the stairs and walking back to her place, quickly typing the password and entering the building.

"nara?!" kia exclaimed as soon as the older walked through the doors of their living room. "oh my god you're okay!"

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