VII - deal.

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"so... honey, is it?"

the way the man pronounced her name, in an almost mocking tone, made her hold back a sneer. these were her favorite type of clients; the ones who mistook her for a fool only because she was a woman. it made it that much sweeter to prove them wrong.

"that's right," she ran the tip of her tongue through her teeth, lips sealed shut.

she looked around the room. the man had already shown way too many signs of being self absorbed, but the huge painting of his own persona hanging from the wall behind his desk made it all the more irritating. how she hated people like this.

"let's not keep each other waiting... what are you offering?" he spoke.

nara tilted her head slightly, unzipping the very first few inches of her catsuit, only to pull out a pendrive. "it's quite simple, actually; we have the most competitive price in terms of high quality material. and we know your preference for such things."

chucking the pendrive at him, she leaned back on her seat. the man looked at her uneasily. "that's exactly what you think it is," she added, a slightly twisted chuckle at the end of her sentence.

"blackmail?" the man cleared his throat. "you're bluffing."

"check the pendrive and tell me if i am," she shrugged, lifting her hand as if waiting for him to do so. he folded his hands over the desk.

"whatever this is, i have the power to make it go away," he said calmly.

"i don't think you understand the nature of what's in there," she smiled, leaning in over the table. "because that only exposes exactly why you can make it go away."

the man widened his eyes, the other three men in the room instantly stiffening and putting their hands on their waist. reaching for their guns.

"now now, there's no need to be hostile," nara eyed the men around her. "once i commit, i'm loyal. what i need is your word that this deal is done."

the man looked at her, his eyes failing to hide just how much he despised the idea, yet how he also knew he was trapped in it. if there was one thing these girls were good at, it was their business, and they wouldn't simply let an opportunity like this slide without covering all fronts. "how much?"

"seventy-five thousand a night," she spoke, making the man instantly stand up.

"that's outrageous! i can't ask my costumers that kind of money!" he protested, making nara click her tongue.

"see? this is where being friends comes in handy," she smiled, a smile so sweet that it wasn't so sweet anymore. "i'm willing to lower it to sixty-five, as long as we seal this deal right now."

the man was visibly fuming. this wasn't the ideal scenario for him, but he was cornered. and just like that, nara had gone from her initial roof of fifty thousand dollars to fifteen thousand dollars more.

"you have a deal," he extended his hand, but nara simply shook her head, bowing it lightly.

"we expect our payment every monday by two in the morning, we will let you know where to drop the money off," she stood up, fixing her outfit. "your first delivery will arrive on sunday, and it will be enough for a week. not enough to get you busted, even though we both know how that would go with the justice department."

flipping her hair over her shoulder, she turned to walk towards the door. "and one more thing," she lifted her finger in the air, eyeing him while she held the doorknob in her other hand. "don't ever underestimate me or my team again. i promise, it'll be the last thing you do."

she didn't give him enough time to reply or even express any sort of emotion, simply leaving through the door and walking down the hallway. she could hear the music outside, the dancefloor calling out to her just like old times.

"nara, sweetie, c'mon and let loose!" ava spoke, nudging the older one. "i swear you're as stiff as a rock. it's our day off, we need to forget about work!"

nara didn't have to agree with her. she didn't have to do anything. there was no contradicting her, not even if she begged and pleaded to go somewhere else than a filthy club.

however, nara couldn't deny her love for dancing. and as the two started moving, she could feel her body easing up. for a few hours, she was free.

shaking her head, she pushed through the double doors which lead to the warehouse filled with people, the music blasting through the speakers.

"i can't believe you did that," kia spoke on her ear.

"you give me too little credit, kia," she chuckled at the younger.

"that was awesome sister, but seriously, get your ass out of there. kia has lost access to the security cameras," inna added. her voice was almost muffled, as if there was some sort of interference.

"i'll be out in five minutes. i need to figure out how to move through this mob of people," she spoke.

"alright, take care and see you soo-" her words were cut off. nara tapped the device a few times, repeating hello with no response from the other side.

biting on her bottom lip, the girl didn't bother to put the mask back on. her honey colored hair cascaded down her back, and for a few seconds, she was tempted to make the girls wait and simply enjoy herself a bit on the dancefloor. but the memories were too many, and she decided against it.

something else caught her eye; the storage room in which she had locked rm was now wide open. she arched her eyebrow, wondering how the hell he had managed to escape, but not giving it much thought as she had already finalized the deal, which rendered his presence there useless.

she decided to simply walk out of the building, feeling accomplished. she was about to reach the door when she felt someone grabbing her arm and twisting it behind her back, a sharp object touching the side of her waist.

"miss me?" his voice whispered in her ear.

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