II - innocence.

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kia threw her feet on top of the table. if it had been the second time she'd done that, nara would've scolded her. but since it was the umpteenth time, there was no point.

"we just received the new shipment," pami showed up with yet another one of her charts in her hand. god, was she obsessed with charts.

"did you have any trouble receiving it?" nara asked, watching as the oldest shook her head, a devious smirk painted on her lips.

"you think with these looks i have trouble with anything? they're just so quick to assume i'm innocent," she pretended to dust off her shoulders.

"that's normal, you do dress like a nun," inna chuckled, earning an high five from kia.

"yah, i'm your unnie, remember that," she shot the two a threatening look. both of the girls nodded her heads in fake obedience.

nara rolled her eyes. "girls, focus," she spread a map over the coffee table, pushing kia's feet off it. taking a red marker, she started limiting an area. "this is our area of trade. we're currently a few influent buyers away from basically running the whole town just from here."

"isn't that a bit... ambitious?" inna tapped her fingers against her cheek.

"you know how i like ambitious shit," nara chuckled, pushing her hair over her shoulders as she leaned down again. "the thing is, we could just have our big break right here," she drew a big, red cross over one of the streets right by the limit.

"you mean that new club that everyone says has the best and biggest parties in town?" kia asked, her eyes bulging out of their sockets. "i've been trying to go there ever since they opened a few years ago. they're exclusive as fuck."

"exactly," nara shrugged, as if it was the most logical thing in the world. "that's because something illegal and shady is going on there. and we want in."

"do we though?" pami scrunched her eyebrows together. "you know damn well that street is right over our limit. we step out of it, and a war could start."

"you think i'm afraid?" nara scoffed. "if we close this deal, we won't have to worry about security alright. you'll have enough money to protect yourself."

"and for gucci shoes," inna sighed dreamily.

"don't you have like... thirty of those already?" kia gave her a look.

"and? they're never too much," inna shrugged.

"alright," nara put her hands on her waist. "i'll probably head on over there one of these days. pami, i need you to call every single one of your contacts and find us a way in. kia, i need all of the records of the owner and associates, we need some leverage. and inna... you know what to do."

"why does she always get shopping duty?" kia crossed her arms over her chest, pouting slightly.

"because i have the best taste," inna blew her a kiss and chuckled.

"it doesn't require a lot of taste to buy ammunition or gadgets, what are you even on about?" kia retorted.

"are you kidding me? you know how hard it is to get your hands on a gold studded glock? or diamond bullets?" inna gasped.

"normal ones work just fine!" kia protested.

"this is why i'm choosing our shit and not you!"

nara rolled her eyes as the two girls went back and forth, while pami was already whipping out her phone and seemingly calling everyone she knew. she decided to head over to the storage room, just to make sure their shipment was everything they had ordered.

opening each of the boxes and checking their contents brought back a lot of memories. the first time she had dealed, back when she still worked for someone else, out of pure desperation. she was a pretty face with some mad athletic skills, which came in handy when running and dodging was needed. she was good at dealing, she was good at business. which was why she was still the one who took care of that part, and why the girls never doubted her leadership skills for a second.

it also brought her back to when she had first met inna. at the time, anyone would've thought that she was nothing more than the drug lord's girl toy, until nara found out just how much she understood about armory. that was probably due to how much time she had spent around the man, and also due to her amazing learning and memorizing abilities. all those factors combined, and she was just the expert nara needed. plus, she was just as crazy as her.

she made inna realize that she could do much better than what she was doing, and that when nara would finally be able to leave, she should come with her. and that's exactly what she did, making her the first addition to nara's team.

being in an all girl gang had its advantages and disadvantages. they all looked innocent and cute, which meant they could easily have anything and anyone at their feet. all of them were next to geniuses, each in their expertise area, which often lead to them being successful. however, sometimes it would seem that they had to prove themselves twice over before anyone gave them the credit they deserved.

nara looked over her shoulder to the three girls happily chatting on the living room couch. they seemed relaxed, as if nothing was about to happen and that it couldn't possibly change their lives. she wished she could feel like that too.

"nara!" kia called out. "wonder woman is about to start, get your ass over here."

"coming!" the strawberry blonde announced, closing the door to the storage room behind her before she too joined them on the couch.

and it was moments like this that made her realize that, in the midst of all the crime and bad things they did together, they had also gotten something truly good out of it. a family.

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