VI - check mate.

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"act normal," kia recommended on nara's ear. apparently, inna had found the latest technology in earpieces, which made it seem almost like an earring, as well as a microphone which was plugged like a stick to the skin, nearly indetectable.

"normal?" she whispered as she put on her mask. "how can one dressed like catwoman act normal?"

the question was rhetorical, but kia went on to explain every detail of how selina kyle hid her identity. nara rolled her eyes, her face lifting slightly as she looked at the top of the building.

"we're in position," inna's voice was suddenly heard over kia's. "i think we're good here, but in any case it'll be hard to get inside the club through this roof. try not to need us."

nara chuckled at her, adjusting the mask on her face. "nice tail, dongsaeng," pami scoffed at the microphone.

the leader decided to ignore the remark as she walked over to the bulky security man at the entrance. "hello, i'm looking for chanyeol?"

the man gave her a weird look before turning around and whispering something into his microphone. a few moments later, a younger looking guy, seemingly dressed like he was in a hawaiian vacation, walked over to her.

"you must be honey," he smiled, offering his hand to shake. "it's nice to finally meet you after what saint told me about you."

she took his hand and shook it. "likewise, and thank you for the favor."

he waved his hand dismissively, nodding at the security guard who let the both of them enter the building.

although it had previously been a warehouse, the place had definitely been renewed. the floor was black, the tall walls the exact same color. there were neon lights descending from the ceiling, the dj at the very end of the room. there was no way of counting how many people were in there, but nara would bet at least a thousand.

"he's been instructed to look for someone dressed like catwoman, but it's best if you find him," chaneyol spoke in a lower voice. "he's dressed like a doctor, a purple flower stuck to the front pocket of his white gown."

nara give him a nod and a quick thank you. it would be tough work to find the man, and even worse, to get to him before rm did. she was hoping she wouldn't have to put her distracting plan in motion, but if it was necessary, she was more than ready for it.

"i'm hacking into the security cameras right now," kia spoke, though nara found it hard to distinguish her voice over the loud blasting of music. "i'll let you know once i find him."

nara didn't bother to reply as she was sure that in the moment, the maknae wouldn't be able to hear her. she scrunched up her nose in disgust as she walked past what seemed like a thousand horny bodies, rubbing and grinding against each other.

she never understood how people would let their hormones get the best of them. sure, she had had a few one night stands when the drinks had been too many, but never had she made her whole life revolve around it. and simply coming to a club so you could share some body heat with someone else, that was definitely not her territory.

the latex around her body was uncomfortable, and her high heeled boots were way too unpractical. however, inna had been the one taking care of the outfit, and there was no fighting her or whining about its components. she felt the urge to rip off her mask, but exposing her honey locks would only make her plan fail.

"i found him," kia spoke. "he's next to the dj, on his right side. there's at least three security men near him, so i'm sure you'll be able to see him."

"be careful honey," pami spoke, her motherly senses speaking louder than her words.

"i will," nara replied.

she quickened her pace, pushing through the mobs of people, earning a few pushes back. if she wasn't in such a rush, she would've been bothered by them and possibly would have started a fight. but thats wasn't her purpose right now.

her purpose was to get to the right side of the dj, talk to the owner, and seal their biggest deal yet.

what she wasn't expecting was to see a tall, dark-haired, matrix-like dressed man with dimples in his cheeks right before she reached her destination.

"fuck, plan b is in the works now," she took the time to quickly inform the other girls before she purposedly shoved herself against the male.

he looked at her through his dark sunglasses, his eyebrows furrowing. "watch where you're going!"

"oops," she quickly took a step back, shakily, her drunk act now beginning. "i'm s-sorry mister, you just... you're so handsome i thought you were this idol i know!" she giggled obnoxiously loud, her voice a few octaves higher so he wouldn't notice her identity.

as expected, the man smirked. "oh really?" he looked in between her and his target, and for a second, nara believed her plan would fail. "are you a fan of this idol?"

she showed him a cheeky smile. "maybe... but i'm more a fan of you," she poked his chest with her fingertip, mentally gagging.

but what concerned her the most, wasn't even the way she was acting towards her enemy. the fact that she somehow, despite the situation and despite who he was, she still found him to be incredibly attractive. and her insides turned.

namjoon eyed the girl suspiciously for a moment. his gaze went back to the owner, before he decided that taking a few more moments to get to him wouldn't hurt. the thing is, he didn't know how wrong he was. all he knew was that this catwoman seemed to have one hell of a body, and he was only a hormonal human being.

the girl wrapped her arms around his neck, her high heels not enough to have her face his features. pressing her lips against his adam's apple, the boy let out a throaty groan. "they have storage rooms here, you know?" she suggested.

namjoon bit his bottom lip, eyeing the girl's figure. sure, he couldn't take a good look at her face through the mask, but there was something about those lips that he deemed enticing. smirking, he nodded his head in the direction of one of the rooms, and she quickly walked in front of him, tracing a path towards it.

as soon as they arrived, he opened the door and let her through. she was instantly wrapping herself around him, even before the boy had closed the door.

namjoon quickly realized she was a tease. she moved her hands all over his body, her lips approaching his but not touching them just yet. instead, he leaned down and captured her lips in an intense, lustful kiss.

nara was taken aback by his actions, but it was something she had mentally prepared herself for. she kissed him back, letting her tongue linger against his bottom lip, ignoring the boiling feeling on the pit of her stomach. how could she want him? she hated his guts. reaching her back pocket, she took something out, making sure the boy was too distracted by her lips to notice anything else.

namjoon thought she was finally giving in to him. reaching behind her suit, he tried to unzip it. what he didn't realize, was that she had a syringe in her hand. well, at least until it was piercing the back of his neck, anyway.

"what the fuck? what was that?" he tried reaching for her, but all it took was one kick to his chest and he laid flat on the ground. trying to prop himself up on his elbows, he eyed the girl, feeling his head get heavier and heavier. "who do you work for?!"

nara reached for the front of her mask, swiftly removing it from her face. his face dropped instantly as he stared into her irises, her golden locks now cascading down her back.

she crouched down as he struggled to keep his eyes open. namjoon cursed her internally, his mouth unable to open to speak.

"check mate," she winked at him before she stood up, putting her mask back on as she made her way outside, locking the door after herself.


author's note

im honestly shOOk because i had this drafted since the end of may and i obviously hadn't watched blackpink's mv to know they'd have a chess concept lmao

but anyWAY i hope you enjoyed it!

much love x

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