V - (wo)menace.

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sitting down at the table, nara folded her hands over it.

"we need to think of the best way to guarantee this deal," she started. "pami has been informed that the northside gang will be there too, trying to snatch it from us."

"the only thing they'll snatch is my wig," kia mumbled, earning glares from the others. "what? they're cute!"

"and how would you know what their faces look like?" inna inquired, raising her eyebrows.

"when you left me behind on your little adventure the other day," she nudged her with her elbow, as if making the point that she wasn't pleased with it. "i hacked into the security cameras nearby to make sure that they wouldn't catch you in what you were doing. however, i did catch their faces, and let me tell you about this one guy--"

"that's enough," pami scolded her. "we're not here to discuss boys."

"i beg to differ," inna smirked. "i mean, nara clearly had an effect on their leader."

kia crossed her arms over her chest. "i wish i had been there. it looked interesting even if i couldn't hear anything."

"i don't have an effect on him," nara rolled her eyes. "he's just the typical fuckboy who thinks he can get anything he wants. and that seems to include this deal, which will only happen over my dead body."

"but seriously though," kia lifted her finger, signaling she had an idea. "if there was as much chemistry as inna unnie was blabbering about, and if getting into that club is so hard that even pami unnie was only able to get you in, then maybe he'll be there alone. we could use that in our favor."

"i said," nara glared at her. "there wasn't any chemistry. it's just typical fuckboy behavior and i wanted to let him know i could play the same game, only better than him."

"nara, they might have a point," pami spoke up. "if you manage to distract him just enough, he might slip on the deal."

"and how do you propose i do that? wear a mini skirt and throw myself at him? it's not the time or place to go back to an eighty's movie," she protested.

"you don't have to throw yourself at him," inna eyed the other three girls. "i have an idea, and i'm not too sure you'll like it, because it might just involve a bit of flirting..."

although reluctant, nara and the rest of the girls listened to inna's plan. and when she was done explaining, nara closed her eyes. she hated to admit it, but it was a good one, with high chances of working out for them.

"i can't believe i'm saying this but, alright, i'll do it," nara sighed as inna excitedly clapped her hands.

"alright, now onto the actual business plan, what are we looking at?" pami asked, earning a smile from kia.

"i'm glad you asked," she said, grabbing a folder from her bag and placing it on the table. "i was able to gather information on the club's value, potential criminal activities and potential associates. in the midst of my research, and a bit of hacking, i found out that they have enough capital and influential clientele for our starting price to be around 50k a night," she explained.

"50k a night? that's over one and a half millions per month," pami gasped.

"we'd also be selling our best stuff, and strongest it seems," kia added, showing them another file. "there was one time they were busted with lots of cocaine. the dealer was eventually caught but the owner, as always, got away with it."

"this also might mean that they're willing to throw anyone under the bus," pami sighed, running her hand through her dark locks. "maybe this isn't the best idea. i have a very bad feeling..."

"we all know it's risky," nara spoke, lacing her fingers together. "but the benefits outweigh the risks. i'm willing to take this sort of leap, and as always, we'll make sure that if anything happens, i'm the only one implicated."

inna sighed, her eyes softening a bit. "you know i hate it when you say it like that."

"i asked you guys to help me on this, so it's my fault if things go bad," nara spoke, eyeing inna this time. "and now, you're my sisters. i would never turn you in."

"we know," kia spoke, extending her hand to grab her unnie's. "but you're not alone in this. and you have our backup, always."

"always," pami repeated, her hand then laying on top of the other two's.

"always," it was inna's turn to mimick the eldest's actions.

nara showed them a smile, eyeing each of their faces before taking a deep breath. she knew that, no matter what, those girls were the meaning of true friendship and loyalty. if there was anything that made her confident in their partnership, was that they would die for each other without a second thought.

"always," nara added. "now let's do this."

author's note

alright, we're done with the filler chapters! the girls are now fully prepared for their plan to go right... but will it? ;)

i hope you're enjoying this story as much as i enjoy writing it!

much love x

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