VIII - iron.

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nara lifted her head as the male crouched down in front of her. she wouldn't crack, she refused to. there were times when inna would say she seemed to be made of stone, but it was deeper than that. nara was made of iron, the toughest it could get.

her eyes slowly opened, blinking several times to let her system adjust to the light, or lack of it. she didn't recognize where she was, and she didn't remember how she had gotten there. she had definitely been drugged.

her hands were tied behind her back, her legs held against the chair she was sitting on. he watched her closely; it had never been in his blood to be violent towards girls, so, despite the situation, he had managed to remain calm and collected.

"all you have to do is make the call," his deep voice spoke. "and i'll let you go."

"and what if i don't?" she challenged, eyes focusing on his own. he didn't look threatening, on the other hand, he looked more frightened than she was.

"well," he let out a chuckle. "i hope you enjoy being stuck in here."

nara looked at her surroundings. the dirty, dark walls made the place somewhat scary, and she would be lying if she said it didn't make her uncomfortable. but she wouldn't bend. she wouldn't break.

"what makes you think my girls aren't looking for me right now?" she shook her head.

"what makes you think they'll be able to find you?" namjoon spoke, his finger lifting her chin up slightly so she would look at him once more.

nara turned her head, escaping from the grasp of his hand. "i thought you would've learned not to underestimate us by now."

namjoon clicked his tongue, visibly displeased with her attitude. of course, he knew she'd be a hard one to break, she wouldn't have made it big in their business if she wasn't. and still, something in her still managed to irk him to the maximum.

perhaps it was the glint of vivid fire in her eyes, that didn't seem to flicker even under the circumstances.

"it would be better if you kept your mouth shut, or better yet, if you open it to tell that club owner than you're withdrawing your offer and cancelling the deal," he showed her a sickly sweet smile.

"do you actually think you're going to make me change my mind on this?" nara scoffed, trying to wiggle her hands from the firm grip of the ropes around them. "there's nothing you can do to me that'll make me do it. kill me, the girls will still take care of it."

namjoon scoffed, his eyes darkening slightly. "who the fuck do you think i am? i'm not going to hurt you, honey. that's not how i do things."

it was true, namjoon was far from liking violence. unlike nara, he only killed when extremely necessary or in self-protection. his gift was more in his talking; he was intelligent, cultured, and the biggest sweet talker one could meet. it was hard to say no to him, and he would make sure nara knew it.

"then what? do you expect me to just give in?" she scoffed. "how foolish of you."

"i could offer a deal," pulling a chair, he sat down in front of her. "we could join business in this case."

her eyes searched for his, trying to figure out if he was actually insane enough to mean that. "never."

"maybe you'll like it once you hear the proposition," he chuckled. "fifty-fifty, and we would take care of deliveries."

nara shook her head. "we worked our asses off for this deal. it's our territory. i would never accept a proposition like that."

"territories are a thing of the past," he shrugged, stuffing his hands in his front pockets as he leaned back on his chair. "alliances are what work now. and i know i'm not your biggest problem, correct?"

nara stiffened in her seat. it was all that took for namjoon to understand that he was right, but also how much of a touchy subject it was to the female. "revenge is great fuel to keep you moving, right?" he pushed her further, waiting for her to crack.

but she didn't.

"get the fuck out of here," she spoke, teeth clenched, knuckles turning white from all the force.

namjoon raised his hands in fake surrender, standing up. "fine, but just consider what i'm offering. it's both a good deal and your freedom."

the girl watched as he turned around, heading towards the only door in the room. she looked around herself, the small room feeling even smaller. her head felt lighter as her breathing picked up. not a fucking panic attack.

"rm?" nara suddenly spoke, her voice softer than usual. "i don't feel so good."

( a/n: yes that was a reference. yes THAT reference. T_T )

"and why's that my probl-" he stopped himself midsentence as he turned around to look at her, finding her with her head tilting backwards, passed out.

something inside him flashed; he wasn't supposed to show any affection towards her, but at the same time, he wasn't one to be malicious enough to leave her behind when she was clearly distressed. signing, he ran his hand through his dark locks before he opened the door.

"jimin-ah, please make sure the guest bedroom is prepared for her," he asked the younger one.

"but hyung, should we really do that?" his eyebrows furrowed as he looked between namjoon and nara, his eyes instantly softening as he saw her. "right away."

namjoon mouthed a quick 'thank you' before walking towards nara, slowly untying her ropes, always maintaining his eyes on her to make sure she wasn't playing any tricks on him again. but this time, the girl seemed visibly distressed.

biting on his bottom lip, namjoon made a moral assessment once again. how far could he take this, if it was obviously hurting her? she looked pale, possibly due to the nearly sixteen hours of captivity without food or water. he made a mental note to bring those to her himself.

slipping his arms under her, he carefully picked her up as he carried her out of the small room in the basement. he ignored the questioning stares of seokjin and yoongi as he walked past them and towards the guest bedroom, where jimin was already waiting for him.

"the windows are locked and there's nothing inside the room she can hurt us with," namjoon gave him a quick nod, proceeding towards the queen sized bed.

he carefully laid her down, setting her head on the pillow. grabbing a blanket, he put it over her body before placing a change of clothes on one of the chairs.

he gave her one last glance before exiting the room. "make sure to stay alert. we'll take shifts watching her, i'll let the others know. it feels like i have some explaining to do."

jimin nodded, closing the door and locking it.

"and remember, jimin," namjoon turned around to look at the nearly white haired boy. "she's dangerous."

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