chapter; 2

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the sophomores had science class and were dissecting a smaller octopus. "class, you will work in pares." the science teacher spoke as the pupils payed attention. "choose your lab partner." she added and the two youths sitting in the back looked at each other. "do you-" hoseok interrupted the other male with a "i'll get the tools!".

jimin brought the pale looking octopus to their work station, he didn't really mind touching and holding the slimy creature on the counter. hoseok came back with a scalpel and tweezers, he placed the next to the sea creature. jimin felt for a laugh so he cut off the tip of one of the tentacles, park held it near hoseok' face and the older sophomore screamed. "ahh, what the heck!" jimin giggled as the older were wheezing and laughing. "you got me there-" hoseok stopped in the middle of his sentence, falling to the floor and totally blacking out. the younger got worried and fell on his knees beside him, remembering what he told him "don't worry if i pass out." so the male with a chipped front tooth just watched the unconscious boy. hoseok woke up after a couple of seconds to see an innocent looking child looking at him, the hyung smiled and requested a hand.

the teacher dismissed the class and the pupils went to their lockers. "ppyeong! jim-m-in!" seokjin shouted when he spotted the younger male at his locker on the other side of the corridor, jimin waved back to the older who grabbed the other male standing by him by the wrist. the short male seokjin dragged with him was the senior who made him blush earlier that day, it was bleach blond min yoongi.

"ho-hah-w was first day-ppyeong!-of school?" seokjin wondered as he clapped three times and punched his chest but jimin didn't answer, park juste glared at his hyung. "jim-m-min?" seokjin repeated and jimin shook his head "huh?".
"i a-a-sked you a-ppyeong!-question?" the older spoke but the short male didn't understand what the taller were talking about. "can you- ask again?" "he-hah-re take my num-m-ber." seokjin uttered instead while jerking his shoulder harshly.

it was late evening and park was eating a microwaved pan pizza in front of the tv, watching an italian soap even though he didn't understand a word he could feel the emotions that the characters did. there was a man in his late 30's who had a beautiful wife and a talented son but one day he wanted a new life, so he left his family and started a new one just a couple of miles away from the town he previously lived in. a year later his new family met his old family and chaos broke out. jimin was so into the drama he didn't notice that his phone was buzzing beside him.

it was midnight now but jimin's mother still hadn't come home yet so he went to bed, locking the door and closed all the windows.

when the male woke up he went downstairs to find his mother sleeping fully clothed on the couch, jimin went over to the lady and placed a warm blanket over her. he then went to the kitchen to pack lunch and make breakfast before going to school to meet his new friend, he wanted to tell his mother about his new friend but unfortunately she came home so late yesterday.

when he stepped outside the door to go to school but then realising his mother was asleep and couldn't drive him to school. he remembered seokjin telling him about him getting his first car at lunch the day before and gave him a call. "he-hah-llo?" the older answered the phone and jimin begged the senior to drive him to school. "i'll bee the-hah-re in 10-ppyeong!".

"we are he-hah-re!" seokjin stomped his foot hard on to the car floor twice. "thank you, hyungnim." the sophomore bowed polity and went to class, where he met another senior. the senior were familiar, it was that one who talked to himself. park had a hard time remembering his name but then gave up and entered the hall. "oh, jimin-ssi!" the senior greeted him at the door.

"hello everyone, my name's namjoon and i'll be your substitute teacher for today's math class!" he greeted the class, "i have schizophrenia so if you catch me talking to myself or seeing things that's not there, don't worry." he soon added and started the lesson.

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