chapter; 21

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park jimin, 16, suffers from autism, is sleeping like a baby in his pink bed sheets. they're pink of a reason, not just because the little boy liked the soft colour but also because his mother expected a girl not jimin. when he got diagnosed his mother's world fell apart, she didn't want a "weird" kid. she didn't want her friends, with children, to judge her for having a autistic son and park was fully aware of it. when jimin attended his new school his mother started drinking after being sober for half a year, now she's never home with her child she's out drinking with multiple men at different clubs.


the buzzing came from jimin's phone and woke him up.

"+82 67 9299 8217 (not a real number) sent you a message."

jimin's head got dizzy when the light of the phone blinded his eyes to check the message, he believed it could be his mother at first but it wasn't.

+82 67 9299 8217
baby boy, wake up.

who is this?

+82 67 9299 8217
it's me yoongi you fool.

oh, good morning hyung.

change nickname to kind hyung ?

kind hyung
have you eaten yet baby?

i'm not baby! >:(

i just woke up so no,
have you?

kind hyung
i think you already know
the answer to that.

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