chapter; 16

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[not proof read]

the younger slowly turned around meeting yoongi face to face, "i-" the older pressed his finger onto jimin's lips for him to hush. they heard sounds from the hallway, footsteps. "jimin?" a tired voice spluttered out into the house, it was his mother. "jimin! ah that bastard is never home." she drops her bags onto the floor.

"go greet her!" yoongi whispers.


the two were walking side by side, "s-sorry about that." jimin stuttered as he tilted his head and glued his eyes to his boots regretting that they walked home to yoongi. "hey, it's not your fault that your mother came home." the older removed a lock of hair from the boy's blushing face.

"shit!" a familiar voice shouts out into the snowy park, it caught the pair's attention and they turned their heads to the sound. a young brown haired male ran towards the bus stop close to them, park's autism kicked in and he grabbed yoongi by the hand and stepped back behind the taller male. min's eyes widened at the sudden action as he quickly intertwined his fingers with jimin's. 

"fucking hell!" the younger man missed the bus by a second and turned around recognising the two.

"ey, yoongi hyung!"

shit, it's that one who ruined min's jacket. the boy made yoongi angry just by showing his face out side of school.

"you." he answer glaring at him as taehyung made his way towards them.

taehyung noticed a shape behind his hyung making him take action, he removed the older's shoulder out of his way to meet a short boy grabbing his hyung's hand so hard his fingertips turned white. "jimin hyung?"

"yah, get away. don't have to go somewhere?" the eldest pushed the brown haired freshman. "right." the younger glared at him up and down before hovering to the bus stop once again.

the bus rolled on the asphalt up to the bus stop taehyung were waiting at, he stepped on and sat next to a pretty girl with long brown hair and a phone glued to her hands giving the male a weird look due to kim having a look at her phone. "uh, do you ever shower?" the woman tsked making the freshman snap "me and gunhyukie did together last night."

she rose from her seat and headed off the bus making extra space for taehyung.

not long after he headed off the bus as well and plugged his earphones in one by one, jamming to the music that was playing. he skipped to the large white building coming just on time for his dance lesson.

"taehyungie!" a older girl came rushing for a hug, "hi, boa noona!" she poked his cheeks making him giggle.

"i need to go, i have rehearsal. i'll see you later tae!" she waved off.

boa and taehyung were close since she helped her trough the hard times being a trainee, she were like a older sister to him. they would see each other after schedule before he would head home and live a totally other life, none of his friends or family members knew about him living the life as a trainee and knowing boa, one of the biggest kpop artists.

kim made his way to the practice room to meet his fellow choreographers, he greeted them like he never met them. since he didn't remember anyone in the room but the dancers were used to introducing themselves to taehyung as they knew about his alzheimer's.


it's late but his practice wasn't over, he had several choreographies to master before getting some sleep.


"jimin go to sleep!" yoongi threw a fluffy pillow, from park's home, at the small figure of jimin's. the sophomore had snuck some sips of min's late night coffee, which didn't effect yoongi due to his medication, making jimin go loco in the small flat.

"i will ban you from coffee!"

thank you @m_galaxystar for helping me with this chapter!

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