chapter; 28

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jimin just sat and stared at the other male who was clearly waiting for him to get up from the snowy bench.

"if you won't get up yourself, i'll help you." yoongi stands in front of the boy intertwining his hands in jimin's from his position. he takes all his strength to drag the light male up towards him, in two seconds jimin was standing up and pressed against yoongi's embrace.

he couldn't breath, he was so close to min. he felt safe, in his arms.

"let's go home." yoongi utters as he presses his forehead against jimin's. this was a fantasy yoongi has had for quite some time now and it was finally happening. he smiled for himself but jimin noticed and blushed.

time skip

jimin got pushed onto the sofa with yoongi hovering over him. he teased the little guy, touching him all over spreading his finger under park's shirt. min earned tiny whimpers from jimin before taking a twist park wasn't ready for. yoongi moved his slender hands up to the male's armpits, he starts to tickle him.

"h-hyung stop!" he shouts and giggles claiming a smile from his hyung. yoongi adored his dongsaeng's laugh and wanted to hear it for the rest of his life. min eventually stopped and squeezed himself in the little room left between the jimin's back and the sofa's back rest. he wrapped his arms around park's waist, he felt some chubs on his tummy and melted inside, how fucking cute can you be, yoongi thought as he snuggled his face in jimin's neck.

jimin wanted to lay like this forever, he didn't want to deal with school nor his mother. he just wanted yoongi, what does he need to do to get that, he thought. he shook he head and snuggled his head down so his nose connected with yoongi's hand.

"i love you park jimin."

hellooo! writing spree eh? i've actually been writing on my new book 'homo?' which is about this guy named abe hisao who came out as homosexual in his first year of high school. after that no one cared to talk to him except his gay best friend ken kiyoshi. that changes when a new male student makes contact with hisao, is he really gay thought? he wonders after he finds out that the new male student he had been starting to like turned out to be a girl all along.

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