chapter; 11

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yoongi rub the tip of his nose against jimin's, he smiled showing of that crooked tooth. "your smile is so contagious." min grinned as it suddenly appeared a stained pillow in his face making feathers fall over the pair. "excuse me?" he laughed as he got revenge on the younger.

"hyung stop!" jimin ran around the couch with a senior chasing him with a pillow as a weapon. "you started it!" he shouted at him when he got his slim fingers around the younger's wrist, dragging him towards him making the autistic male pressed against yoongi's chest. "uhm, i-" the older started whilst the sophomore hugged him tightly, min was shocked by the affection but then turned the wide eyes in to an eye smile.

"what shall i do with you."

"you should hug me back." jimin impatiently stared up at the senior who soon followed command, "are you hungry? did you eat the snack i gave you for school?" min asked while petting the shorter's little head. "no, it's still in my bag."

yoongi let go of the sophomore to go get something form the kitchen. "what do you eat kiddo?"

"food?" park answered, not fully understanding the question. "no, like, what do you like to eat?"

"i don't know." min found that answer rather weird, "what do you mean?"

"mum doesn't really cook for me so i don't really variate with my food." he scratched the back of his head. "what's up with your mum? doesn't she care to give you the help you need?" yoongi's voice was full of empathy, for once, he hover d back to the younger resting his arm on jimin's shoulder.

"not really, not since my dad left."

the older was really concerned about the sophomore's past, he knew park's mother had a drinking problem and was an alcoholic but he hadn't heard anything about his dad. "what happened to your dad? why did he leave you?" yoongi didn't care for if the question was too early to ask for such a dark answer, he was honestly really curious and wanted an answer.

"he left when i was diagnosed with autism, in first grade. he thought i was embarrassing and didn't want people to know that his child was disabled." jimin hung his head down, on the edge of crying. "don't cry. hey, look at me." min grabbed park by the chin and slowly raised it so their eyes would connect. "it's alright. you don't have to stay with your mother, you can stay here with me." the older revealed a smile that warmed up jimin's heart for the moment. "mum wouldn't care anyway so why not!" he gave a little grin. "yah, let me at least see your beautiful smile." yoongi complained while receiving a smile adorned with an perfect imperfection.

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