chapter; 8

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hoseok and jimin's school day has come to an end, the two sophomores walked with each other towards park's locker full of cute stickers all over it.

"jimin!- and the other one." an all familiar depressing voice spoke the boy's name that made him turn his head. "hi yoongi hyung!" a smile blinded the senior, "yeah yeah, hi. um, jimin? would you come to my place?" he asked with confidence and slid his arm around park's waist.

jimin's cheeks flushed red and jung gave the pair a weird look but soon left it at there, he waved jimin goodbye and left to search for the freshmen.

"so little one." park's hooded eyes widened when the words escaped yoongi's mouth. "w-what?" he stopped whilst min made the space between the two get smaller. jimin's hips collided with the side of the older's torso. "can i call you that?" his forehand crashed against park's, jimin whimper and had nothing else to do than nod.

"can i kiss you, little one?"

yoongi shook the boy's shoulders rapidly until he wouldn't wake up. "come on, wake up!" , jimin passed out whilst crying his eyes out but now his droopy eyes slowly opens as min stopped shaking the sophomore.

"did you kiss me?"

"what are you on about and what happened to namjoon hyung?"
[the guy who bullied me for 2 years just moved in next to me, fuck]

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